"Yes, Sir."

"Good. It will be nice to see my little Y/n all grown up."

The man stood there as he handed his friend a steal pistol. He eyed the little boy that was with his long time business partner.

"Min, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Lee, you do know how good this will be for me, for us, right?"

The man shook his head. "Min, I take my daughter to shooting practices every day. You could do the same for him. This isn't necessary."

The woman tied to the chair nodded her head, her lips covered to muffle her whines and screams as her husband handed the little kid the pistol.

"Go on, son. Show your father why he should be proud of you."

The little boy looked up to his father. "B-but Dad."

"Yoongi, don't worry. Mommy will be fine where she is going."

The woman looked at her son in fear and shook her head, more muffled screams and whines coming from her mouth.

Mr Min looked to Mr Lee. "She has no importance to me now. She has given birth to my heir, and she has raised him to where he is needed for me to start. He will become a man now, right?"

Mr Lee stared at the man. He couldn't believe how gentle Mr Min had been when they first met. He wouldn't even do harm to an ant, but here he was, telling his son to shoot his own mother just to become a man.

And as the man convinced the little boy to shoot the woman, and he did, Mr Lee began to regret everything.

Especially when you came into his office and comforted the little boy.

He knew his life would change at that point in time.

"F-father," you stuttered.

"Y/n, oh how I've missed you."

You gulped and looked to the boys. They were armed and ready to fire, but you shook your head. There was a knife and guns piled to your left for your use. You would be fine.

"Beomseok," you spoke firmly.

He chuckled. "My dear daughter. You remember my name," he cooed.

"Are you behind this?"

"Hm...if you're happy with that, then yes!" He grinned. "I am behind this!"

You gritted your teeth.

"I suggest you stop bothering us."

"Us?" He smirked. "The only 'us' is you and I and our business, Sweet Child."

Your toes curled in anger. You glared at the man in front of you.

"Hm...maybe I should leave this to someone else."

And with that, he left.

A woman stepped out from the way he left, and you recognized her immediately.

"Jiwoo," you spoke, synchronizing with Yoongi and the rest of the boys.

"Hey Babe, Y/n." There was a smirk plastered on her face. "Miss me, My Sweet?"

She walked strsight to Yoongi and sat in his lap, kissing his lips gently.

You felt a pain in your gut and heart as the ached from the sight.

Yoongi moved away. "Jiwoo...what are you doing here?"

"Ah, Yoongi. When you broke up with me, did you really think you could get rid of me so easily?"

She played with his shirt, undoing it and running her fingers up and down his chest.

His face twisted in disgust as he tried to move away. You stepped forward to stop her until two hands grabbed you. "I suggest you don't move here, Y/n."

You turned to face Jungsoo and you gritted your teeth, spitting on his face.

He groaned. "You little- Didn't we talk about this when we were together? Don't spit unless Daddy says he doesn't want you to swallow."

Your face was scrunched, disgusted by the man holding you. "Let's watch a little lomger. I think you'll enjoy."

Jiwoo's hands went farther down and you tapped your foot, not beung able to take the sight.

"I swear to the baby Jesus himself, if you don't stop those hands you little bitch, I'll cut them off myself."

Yoongi was scooting now, not much movability.

You looked up to see the boys gone. confused, you turned to the man, no, boy holding you. "Where did they go?"

"Hmmm...ah there they are."

"God dammit..." you hissed as the boys were being shuffled in by multiple people, their hands tied along eith their feet.

And that's when you felt your own wrosts being knotted together.

Jiwoo was now standing, Yoongi at her side. They were both facing you.

Yoongi stared into your eyes, and you felt tears sting your dry eyes.

"I'm sorry, Y/n..." he mumbled, then he was knocked out. The boys followed, until you yourself were knocked into unconsciousness.

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