Chapter 53 - Pew, pew, pew

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This song was on repeat as I wrote this chapter, I don't know what about it that gave me the inspiration to write 9k words.

Anyway, it's late now, so I don't have time to proofread the chapter, which means there might be lots of typos!

Happy reading, and enjoy xoxo


Alex's POV

Cold air pelted my skin as I hurriedly made my way to the car. Anxiety clawed at my throat and spilled into my stomach at the thought that I left Cara in that vulnerable state, with Linda.

God, I trusted her in that matter.

But since my own father is behind this, her betrayal didn't shock me that much. If my own blood did this, then...well, what's left for strangers?

The engine roared to life and I was ready to take off but the car's door opened and Roman got in. My eyebrow raised as he comfortably seated himself beside me and latched the door shut. He turned to me, a frown creased his forehead, "Come on, what are you waiting for?" He said, motioning to the road.

I rolled my eyes at him before I placed the car in reverse, backed away and pulled out into the main street. Fifteen minutes passed, all spent in worry and desperation, my hands kneaded at the steering wheel, trapping the anxious feeling prickling under my skin.

Once arrived, I got out of the car and into the house right away, Roman suit on my steps. Linda wasn't anywhere in sight so I climbed up the stairs and went into the bedroom. My eyes first fell on Cara, laying on the bed, still fast asleep, with Lilly tucked beside her, asleep as well. With light footsteps, I made my way to the bedside counter where the pills she took this morning were.

Trying not to make any noise, I took them and left the room after. Slowly, I latched the door shut behind me and faced Roman, "Take these, go to the nearest hospital and check what they are." I said as I handed him one of the packets and kept the other with me, "And be fast."

He nodded his head, took them and left right away.

My gaze drifted from his retreating figure to the room by the end of the hall. Exhaling a deep breath from my lungs, I made my way toward it. The door was ajar but the lights were off so I placed my palm against it and slightly pushed it open.

Turning the lights on, my eyes roamed around before they went to the phone laying on the counter's surface. Not wasting any second, I went and took it. Luckily, it didn't ask for a passcode when I unlocked it.

I opened the recent calls and much to my dismay, my father's name was displayed right on the top, an answered call from yesterday.

My fingers involuntary tightened over the phone. Anger surged and anxiety spun as my fingers twitched to press the call button and see what would happen next.

My attention drifted off the phone when I heard light noises coming from somewhere in the house. With determination, I left the room and went back down, I followed the noise and stopped by the kitchen's threshold when my eyes found her. She was still cleaning the mess from earlier today.

At the sound of my footsteps, her eyes lifted from the task in her hand and met mine, a small smile curved her lips, "You're back." She said. Lines etched her forehead when her eyes went to my arm, "You didn't check it?" She worriedly asked and walked closer to me, "Alex, it looked really bad, it may need stitches-" Her hand reached for my arm but I immediately backed it away.

My fingers tightened more over the phone in my hand. My jaw clenched and I looked away from her, my lips pressed into a thin line to keep me from lashing out. "What's wrong?" She asked in concern, almost as if she cared.

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