What if this happened? - (NOT A CHAPTER)

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This is NOT an update, I repeat, it's NOT an update, it's NOT a new chapter.

Remember the dream I told you about before, that's how it went, Well, I definitely added few things down here.

Anyway, I will remove this in few hours, I just wanted to share it with you guys.

And it's not spoilers lol, this won't happen, or would it? *winks*

It's just the dream I had, it doesn't actually click with how I planned things to go, but you never know what may change later *Winks again*

*Closes Alex's eyes because I don't want my baby to see this*


Cara's POV

Brown eyes narrowed at me, "What do you mean?" He said.

I swallowed hard and gathered enough courage to finally tell the truth, "I mean this can't work Alex; like you said before, sometimes love is not everything." I sucked in a deep breath, the words left my mouth as a mere whisper, "Love doesn't always win."

He looked away from me, maybe he couldn't handle hearing those words, or maybe he just couldn't handle how true they were.

"We failed Alex," I added, a lump clogged my throat and I felt the tears pricking my eyes, "I love you, and you love me, I know but.. but we don't make each other happy-" my eyebrows pulled together, "We always hurt each other, we ruin each other, we kill each other-" I shook my head, "Love shouldn't be that way, it shouldn't be this much hard."

My lungs contracted painfully and it hurts, it does because I wish I can fix this but I can't.

It's way too messed up to be fixed.

This love ruined us in the most exquisite way possible. It's a curse, a spell; It's like the more we fell in love, the more we got hurt. We don't deserve this. We both don't.

He deserves better. I deserve better.

His eyes settled back at me, they went blank and the muscle in his jaw twitched, "You always give up easily Cara, when things get a little bit tough, you just turn your back and leave."

I shrugged sadly, "A little bit tough? Are you sure?" I said, "Alex the past months were hectic, nothing is working out, nothing-" I shook my head, "You're slipping out of my hand and I can do nothing, nothing to stop it." Tears were scrolling down by now, "You can't even handle to look in my face... Alex, you don't trust me."

"How do you expect me to?!" He bellowed, "How can I trust you after everything, tell me. How can I when I know, no, not know; I am sure that you- that -" He tripped over his words.

"Alex-" I tried to say.

He shook his head silencing me. He inched closer till few inches separated us, "Look me in the eyes then, look me in the eye and answer the question you couldn't answer before."

Air pushed in and out of his chest. He was too close that I can feel his harsh breath and I can hear the loud pumping of his heart.

"Eyes Cara, eyes-" He said sounding impatient. I swallowed hard and lifted my head to look him in the eye.

His eyebrows pulled together, "Do you, or do you not love my brother?"


Words clogged my throat and nothing came out.

Utter silence.

He scoffed and took a step backward, "Nevermind. I got my answer."

"You want to leave, then leave. I am not gonna keep fighting for someone who doesn't even want me back." He seemed to mean every word, "I was able to live without you before, and I can definitely do it again." He shook his head, "I don't need you to make me happy. I have Lilly now, she is all I care about."

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