19 ~ A "Friendly" Game

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Last nights dinner was horrible. The turkey that my aunt bought got burnt in the oven. So we had to eat burned turkey. Tyler and Sam on the other hand couldn't stop fighting in front of the table for some reason. Ryan and Briana tried stopping them but it didn't work. Instead Ryan was pushed on top of the table, squishing all the food with his back. My mom and aunt started screaming because the food squirted on their faces. Briana on the other hand was pushed that she knocked down the chocolate pudding that poured all over me and Lindsey which made us scream. My dad and uncle on the other hand were just watching and laughing.

Tyler and Sam wanted to make it up for us. So Tyler said we would go play some laser tag today. Oh, what fun! It's been a while since I played this game, I was like 6 when I last played.

The laser tag place was kinda like a maze. With mirrors and glow in the dark stuff everywhere. Ryan showed me a couple of pictures. It looked hella amazing and fun.

*Laser Tag*

"So we have to split into teams. Girls vs Boys?" Ryan suggested.

"That's cheating you guys would obviously win!" Briana screamed pushing her brother on the shoulder.

"Fine. Fine," Ryan said putting his hands up. "Utah born vs Florida born," he said.

"Sounds fair," Sam said smiling and went back looking down at his phone. He's been on his phone ever since we got here. It was really starting to annoy me.

Tyler on the other hand hasn't talked at all. He was also avoiding me, it was obvious. What was up with him?

We were all handed our gear and gun to play the game. Both teams were put on the end of each maze so we would have to find our to each other.

"Are you ready Pumpkin?" Sam asked me touching my shoulder. I put my hand on top if his.

"I've been ready," I lied. Who am I kidding. We were gonna lose. They have Tyler and Ryan. Well I'm pretty sure Briana is good but still.

"Eww, you guys are disgusting. Just focus on the game. I really wanna beat Ryan," Lindsey said winking. I stick my tongue out at her which makes her do the same.

"Ready!" the announcer said.


"Can't they say go already?" Lindsey whines which makes Sam and I start laughing.

"GO!" he screamed.

We all split up which I don't think was a good idea. Lindsey said she was going after Ryan. I wasn't sure who Sam was going for, but I was pretty sure it was Tyler. Damn, I was wrong about them ever being friends, they hate each other!

I quickly ran through the maze trying to find Briana. While I was running I bump into something. I raised my gun and looked up. The mirror, wow just wow.

"Stupid Mirror," I whispered to myself.

"Got ya!" Briana screamed. I turn around to see her pointing the gun at me. Damn, I am so stupid I swear. I put my hands up.

"Please don't shoot me!" I begged.

"I'm sorry Abigail, but last time I checked the rules for this game. It said to shot the enemy. Goodness that didn't make any sense," she said laughing at herself. I nod my head and quickly grabbed my laser gun and shot her.

"Correction! I got you!" I said laughing. I quickly ran away from her because soon her suit would recharge and she would be able to play again. I kept running till I saw someone. I took the gun and aimed it at the person. I shot them and their suit starting beeping.

"What the?" the guy screamed. He turned and I recognized him. Tyler. "Oh, Miss Parker! You better run!" he screamed marching towards me. Damn, he took this game seriously. I start running back from where I came from and realized it was a mistake. Right in front of me was angry Briana ready to charge at me any moment. She laughed when she caught sight of me.

"Oh poor Abigail now," she shook her head and aimed for me. I quickly ducked and shot at her.

"Ha!" I screamed.

"Goodness. Why are you so good?" Briana whined stomping her feet on the ground. That's when my suit started beeping. I turn around to see Tyler.

"She's not so good now is she?" he said, it was obvious he was smirking.

"That's not fair," I cried. I playfully push him on the shoulder and his suit starts beeping. We both turn around to see Sam.

"Took you long enough," I said walking up to him. All of the sudden there was a loud beeping sound coming from all directions.

"Games over. We won," Sam said smiling while all the lights started flashing on.

"Yay!" I cheered and hugged Sam.

After the game we decided to take a break. Unfortunatley the place had only one bathroom, as in one stall for both guys and girls.

"Guess it's my turn," Sam said getting up and setting his phone on the chair. When he leaves I hear his phone go off. I knew it was wrong but I picked it up and read the message. It was from Emma, the girl I talked too a while ago.

"Kk babe :* I'll see you tonight. I miss you already tbh. Can't wait for tonight xoxo"

I could feel water clogging up in my eyes. I stand up and throw his phone across the waiting room. I quickly ran out the door but someone had grabbed me on the wrist.

"Abigail? Where are you going?" I turn around to see Tyler. I was crying in front of him once again. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Sam's been cheating on me," I said turning away from him. "You knew didn't you?" I asked him anger in my eyes. Maybe that's why he's been avoiding me.

"What? No. Well..." he said. I quickly pulled my arm from his grip.

"I knew it. You're just like him!" I screamed. He looked terrified even scared.

"Abigail, I wanted to tell you," he said trying to grab my arm again but I dodge him.

"Then why didn't you...You know what? I don't need your explanation! I trusted you! I fucking trusted you Tyler!" I screamed letting the all the tears fall down my face.

"Abigail..." he said.

"Don't ever talk to me. Ever!" I screamed and ran away from him. He was a jerk! I knew it! All guys are the same. How could I be so stupid?

*Author's Note*

Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've done this. I just wanted to thank you guys for voting and reading my chapters. I know this chapter is a lot shorter than others, sorry. So, I just wanted to say thank you :)

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