33 ~ It's Complicated

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It's been 5 days. Five days and I haven't heard from Lindsey at all. She left that night not telling us where she was headed. I shouldn't have let her go. Ryan shouldn't have said anything. He hurt her, a lot. They barely knew each other though, yet they were crazy about each other. Well, Lindsey was crazy about him. She would talk about him pretty much 24/7 and I'm not exaggerating. It's like Tyler and I. I just met him, 55 days ago. Yet, I'm in love with him. How could you fall in love so fast? Without even knowing till they're gone. Till they do something to hurt you. Till they make you cry. Man, Tyler. Why you?

Briana and I have been texting Lindsey like crazy. I've been ignoring Ryan, even Briana, which was weird because they're siblings. Well, I don't know how it feels, I'm an only child. Ryan hasn't said anything to me. Hasn't apologize, looked at me, nothing, nada. Some part of me says that I deserve it. That it was my fault Tyler is gone and Lindsey's gone, Ryan too.

I get up and head down the stairs to get something it. I've been here for almost a summer and I would probably still get lost. I mean I didn't even know the whole house yet. They probably should make maps for the guests. I get in the kitchen seeing Aunt Jenny. She was sipping on a cup of coffee. She turned to look at me and first thing that popped into my mind was my Mom. The resemblance was so strong.

"Morning, sweetie. Do you want some?" she smiled. I nod and head to the coffee machine to pour myself some. Man, coffee is just bomb. I've missed drinking it every morning. "Have you checked the mail?"

"No," I said taking a sip. "Do you want me to right now?" I asked. She stared at me grinning and I suddenly turned really confused. She quickly pulled something from under her. It was a big envelope. The one that you get when...

"Oh my Gosh! No way!" I screamed pounding my cup of coffee on the counter. She handed me the envelope and I ripped it open. "OMG I got accepted! I though my interview would have been terrible."

"Well, you thought wrong." Aunt Jenny laughed. I smiled and hugged her and she hugged right back. I had gotten accepted to a University. I had the interview a week ago, so that was fast. "We need to celebrate," she said clapping her hands.

"Oh, Aunt Jenny. That isn't nessecary. I'm fine, really."

"No, we are going to celebrate. We need too. Man, Ryan is going to be so happy about this. Probably even Tyler." she squealed.

Ryan? Tyler?

"Oh, silly me. Ryan and Tyler are also attending this college!"

What the holy shit!?

I stood they watching her jump up and down in shocked. How couldn't I have seen this coming. Man, you're so freaking blind Abigail.

"We're going to celebrate at the beach. Hurry and change!" she smiled and I nodded and left her behind in the kitchen.


"We need cake!" Briana squealed. We were currently at the park. Ryan came, but hasn't said a word. His eyes were a darker shade of blue as usual. Aunt Jenny decided to buy Chinese food and eat it on the beach. I wanted to call Lindsey and tell her to come, but realized Ryan was here and she would probably hate that he's here.

I walked up to Briana, "You didn't tell me I would be going to the same college as your brother! Not to mention Tyler too," I angrily whispered to her. Ryan had turned to look at us then quickly looked away.

Briana stared at me blankly, "I'm going to get cake."

I quickly grab her arm and pull her back to me. "Briana!"

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