34 ~ Oh, Selene

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I woke up with my pillow wet. I laid in bed and wondered what the hell did I do wrong? She was even worst than Keri.

After, what felt like an hour I got up. I got dressed to go for a walk this time. I put my hair up in a bun and headed downstairs to get some water. As I opened the door to the kitchen, I realized someone was already in there.

"Hey," Ryan said. He was currently eating cereal and drinking milk. I stared at him not knowing whether to respond or not. "I'm sorry, for everything. I'm such a dick. Trust me I know."

I could tell he wasn't faking. I could tell from his gesture and voice. "It's fine. Past is past," I said. He didn't look up at me, just shook his head side to side.

I gently walked to the fridge to pour myself some water. I could feel his eyes on me. "Where's Lindsey? Is she okay?" he asked with sadness in his voice.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to her."

"Damn it," he muttered.

"All I know is she wouldn't just leave. Not unless she really had to." As soon as I said that he pounded his fist on the counter, which made me jump.

"I want to find her. I want to talk to her and apologize. Fuck, I need to do something. Anything!"

"Then do it," I replied. I could tell he was hurt, but he deserved it. At least she wasn't the only one in pain. He didn't respond, instead he leaned his forehead on the counter. I quietly walked out and headed out.

I began walking towards the beach. I didn't know why I just was. I slowly opened my full water bottle and drank. That's when someone had tapped my shoulder. I had spilt some water on my shirt.

"Hey Abigail," Keri said behind me. She was obviously on a jog because she was sweating. Which shocked me because she never ran unless it was with Tyler. I quickly look around her, but didn't see him.

"What do you want?" I asked her impatiently. She pulled her blonde hair behind her ear and bit down on her lip. Was she nervous or something?

"I just wanted to apologize," she said. Well I think she said because she was way to low to hear. "I've been a real bitch-"

"Oh, you sure have," I muttered. She looked hurt, but then again I didn't give a shit. She was a bitch.

"It's my fault that Tyler ignored you."


There was a long pause till she added, "I heard you lost your job?"


"Yup," I said popping the "p".

"I'm sorry," she cried. Yes, cried she literally had tears in her eyes. "I realized not everyone will love or like you and that you can't make them feel something they don't."

Was she talking about Tyler?

"He loves you, you know?" she whispered.

"He doesn't. If he did he wouldn't just leave and..." I began to say but couldn't finish the rest.

"You should talk to him," she said while gesturing to the right. I turned and spotted Tyler. He quickly looked away as soon as our eyes met.

I shook my head side to side, "I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Who cares. It's better than hiding forever."

And for the first time Keri might actually be right. I nodded and headed straight to Tyler.

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