15 ~ Day at the Beach

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I'm pretty sure I was blushing like crazy. After I read the note I immediately started smiling. I was sure nothing could take that smile away. I quickly stood up, on my bed, and started jumping and singing. I think I was a little too loud because Lindsey opened my door screaming.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she screamed.

"Oh, nothing," I said giggling.

"Tyler didn't come back last night. I'm guessing you know where he went," she said calming down and smirking.

"He was me," I sang and started jumping up and down again. She looked around my room and saw the note. She ran towards it and started reading it. One of her hand was holding the note, while the other one was pushing me.

"Awwwww, Abby!" she squeaked. "Want me to honest?" I nod. "I think I like him more than Sam." When she said that I immediately stop what I'm doing and just stare at her.

Sam was coming tomorrow. Sam was my boyfriend. Tyler was just a friend and nothing more. I couldn't help but frown.

"Abby Cakes!" Lindsey said hugging me. "You can't have both."

"What are you talking about! I don't like Tyler," I screamed and she started smirking.

"Whatever you say," she said heading towards the door. "You better start getting ready," she winked and left closing the door.

*At the Beach*

I honestly didn't care if I had feelings for Tyler. It was obvious Sam has been lying to me. I just need to know what was he lying about and why. I quickly spot Tyler standing, his back turned to me. I started to smile. He was hot, not gonna lie. He was also extremely nice and funny. He was perfect.

I start running towards him. When I get near I jump on his back wrapping my arms around his neck making him lose his balance.

"Abigail Parker!" he screamed. I let go as he turns to look at me.

"I got your letter," I said smiling.

"I can see," he said smirking.

"You're doing that face again!" I said smacking him on the arm. He laughed in response.

"Don't act like you don't like it!" he said smirking even more.

I felt my cheeks heat up. Honestly I did like when he made that face. Where his eyes would shine and he'd be smirking and ugh! It's hard to explain.

"You ready?" I ask.

"For what?" he said.

"Go!" I screamed.I started running for my life. I really didn't know where was the finish line, but I didn't care. I started to slow down to see if he was following, but something had grabbed me on the waist. Tyler wrapped his arms around me and turned me around so he would be ahead of me.

"Hey!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "That's cheating!" I said laughing. He just kept running, so I followed him. When he stopped he started laughing. I just started at him.

"What's so funny?" I asked obviously confused.

"You," he said laughing even harder.

"Jerk," I said while taking a seat down on the sand. He calmed down and sat down next to me. We stared at the ocean for a while till I broke the silence.

"My boyfriend's coming here tomorrow," I said. I'm really stupid. I'm pretty sure he didn't give a shit.

"Oh," is all he said.

"I'm..." I started to say but he cut me off.

"He doesn't deserve you," he said a little too harshly. Why would he think that? He doesn't even know Sam.

"Why do you say that?" I say.

"Well if he really loved you he would be here with you right now. Ever since you came her to Florida. If you loved him you would have told me when we first met. He obviously doesn't mean anything to you," he said. He sounded hurt. Did Tyler actually like me? I decided to change the subject.

"So... you and Keri," I said. I have wanted to ask him about her for a while now.

"How do you know her?" he asked looking at me.

"Briana told me," I whisper.

"What else did she tell you?" he asked.

"That you two used to date," I said. The thought of them dating made me want to barf. She was such a slut and Tyler could do so much better. He deserved better.

"Oh, well ya," he said looking away.

"Ya, so you two still dating each other?" I ask. I mean they were kissing each other a few days ago.

"No? Why would you think that?" he asked.

"Well I saw you guys kissing the other day," I said obviously upset. Ugh, I still have that image in my head.

"You were there? You should have told me, but trust me. That was nothing. She kissed me," he said.

"But, you kissed her back. I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it," I said. Man I sounded hella rude. Why didn't I trust him.

"Hell no!" he screamed.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I like someone else," he said. Oh my goodness. I knew it, but who? Was he gonna tell me? Part of me hoped it was me. Actually I wanted it to be me.

"Who?" I asked.

"It's not important. She will never feel the same way anyway," he said. I could tell he was sad, upset. I wanted to hug him, but it didn't seem like the right time to do that.

"Is she pretty?" I ask smiling. He looked at me and started smirking.

"Oh, you have no idea. She's beautiful. She's perfect. I love everything about her. Her laugh. Her smile. Her sassiness," he said smiling. His dimples were showing which made me smile and giggle.

"Damn, you sure you just like her?" I ask lightly pushing him. He laughed.

"No, I think I might be in love with her," he said smiling. I grabbed hold of his hand squeezing it. He squeezed back smiling at me.

"I am pretty sure she's in love with you too," I said.

Before I knew it, Sam was here.

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