14 ~ His Birthday

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"Do I look fine?" I ask Briana and Lindsey, while looking at the mirror.

"Yes, goodness you look perfect! Almost as perfect as me!" she screamed. I rolled my eyes. Something inside of me was telling me not to go. That something bad was going to happen.

"What if he gets mad that I go?" I ask taking a seat on my bed.

"He won't... trust me. Plus, I told him you weren't going to go," Briana said while applying more mascara. David was going to be there. Good thing for Briana. Ryan was coming too, which was good for Lindsey.

"You what? Wait you talked to him? When? Why? Why did you lie?" I knew I was asking too many questions at the same time, but I was in shock.

"I called Tyler. Yes, I talked to him. I talked to him this morning while you were jogging. I called him just cause. I lied, so he would be shock and surprised when he sees you," she said annoyed.

"Im surprised you remembered all the questions," Lindsey said laughing.

Lindsey was wearing a plain white crop top, with a floral skater skirt. Briana on the other hand, was wearing a black laced dress that was up to her knees. I was wearing a white, almost see through, maxi skirt and a grey crop top. It was pretty obvious our styles were different, but to be honest they both looked stunning,

*Tyler's Birthday Party*

So, Tyler lived in a beach house. It was huge, the same size as Ryan's. Tyler's house though was mostly covered with glass. It was already 9:00. The music was already playing, I was sure it could be heard a mile away. There were people on the beach and inside dancing, I could see because of the glass wall.

My heart started to pound. Something bad was going to happen I could feel it.

"Could you stop worrying!" Lindsey screamed into my ear. I was pretty sure she was louder than the music.

"Oh shit!" I screamed covering my face.

"What? What's wrong?" Lindsey asked with a worried face.

"I forgot his gift!" I screamed. I'm so stupid I swear. How could forget things like that. I swear I have amnesia or something.

"It's fine, it's too big anyway. You could give it to him tomorrow or something," Briana said smiling. I really wanted to give it to him now, but I guess I had no choice.

"Come on," Lindsey said grabbing hold of my hand and Briana's. We were finally inside and can I tell you, I was shocked. Everything was simple white and blue, but everything seemed perfect. There was so many people it was impossible to walk. I had to look for Tyler. Tyler was the reason I came. I don't really know what I'm gonna tell him, but I really want to see him. To say, "Happy Birthday." That's when I saw him. He was talking to Ryan and couple more guys I didn't know. I started running toward him leaving Lindsey and Briana behind. I bump into something, something hard.

"Hey, sorry!" the boy said. I look up to see that guy living in the white house near Aunt Jenny's. I think I should start calling that place home. It was technically my home for the whole summer. "Hey, do I know you?" he asks smiling. He was cute really cute, but not as cute as Tyler though.

"Ummm.... I'm that girl that always jogs past your house," I say blushing. "I would really like to stay and..." I said but someone had to cut me off.

"Everybody go outside we're doing the cake," a red head guy screamed. I was pretty sure he was drunk. Everybody started evacuating. I followed with the guy by my side.

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