11 ~ Perfect Two

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Tyler has been ignoring me for a couple of days now. I have a feeling he's upset with me about rejecting him and not telling him about my boyfriend. I mean it isn't my fault. I didn't know he felt that way towards me. I can't help but feel bad and sad for him though. To be honest I would have kissed him, if I didn't have a boyfriend, but I do. I have tried to contact Sam, but he never replied. I am getting pretty worried about him. I haven't talked to him in a while and I miss him. My parents called me the day after I went to Disneyland. I told them about everything, Disneyland, Briana, Ryan, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Henry, and Tyler. She told me how her work was going for her and dad. I really missed them. I'd do anything to go back to Utah.

When I woke up I took a run and when I got back I took a long warm shower. I decided to hang out with Briana in her room. All she talked about was David. I think she was obsessed. I promised her we would go to the beach party later to see him. She was so happy that she hugged me for like 5 minutes straight. Around 5:00 there was a knock on Briana's door.

"Open," Briana screamed. It was Ryan. Thank goodness it wasn't Tyler.

"There's a really hot girl downstairs that's looking for you Abigail," he said. I looked at him in confusion, but got up to check out who it was.

I ran downstairs to see the back of curly, blonde hair girl. She looked extremely familiar.

"Lindsey?" I asked. She turned around right away. It was Lindsey, my best friend since birth. She was here in Florida. I felt my tears wanting to come out, but I kept them in.

"Abby cakes!" she screamed as she jump towards me to give me a hug. It felt good to see her again.

"Why and how are you here?" I asked.

"Well, I had to beg my Mom pretty much everyday till she said yes. Don't worry I paid for the ticket and everything," she said smiling. I start laughing and she joins in. For some reason I felt like I was back home.

"You didn't tell me you had a smoking hot cousin here! I would have totally dressed more fancy if I knew!" she screamed.

"Ryan?" I say cracking up. Of course she would think Ryan is hot. If Ryan wasn't my cousin I would be checking him out as well.

"Ryan," she repeated.

That's when I heard someone coming down the stairs. It was Briana.

"You ready...?" she said with confusion on her face when she saw Lindsey.

"Oh, Briana this is Lindsey my best friend," I tell Briana.

"Lindsey, this is Briana my cousin," I tell Lindsey.

"Nice to meet you," they say in unison. I smile at both of them. I could tell Briana felt kinda awkward around Lindsey, but I am pretty sure they would get along.

"So, you wanna go to the beach with us?" Briana asks Lindsey breaking the silence.

"Oh, ya sure. As long as there are cute guys there," Lindsey says winking which makes us all start laughing.

I decide to drive us there. I wear an orange, lace crop top with some regular shorts. I decided to go swimming this time. We got to the beach around 7:00. We were all planning to swim. We decided to have a race to the water. I won, which made Lindsey push me. I fall on my ass, which makes us all laugh. We all took our clothes off, so were only wearing our bikinis. I wasn't used to wearing bikinis, but Lindsey made me wear it. Mine was plain black. Briana's was plain light blue, which matched her eyes. Lindsey on the other hand was wearing hot pink with white poka-dots. Me and Briana stare at her in shock.

"What?" Lindsey squeals.

"Nothing," Briana and I say in unison.

We stay in the water for about 3 hours. Lindsey was looking for guys to show off to the whole time. Briana on the other kept taking about David. I dozed off when I saw Tyler walking with a couple of guys, including Ryan. Tyler obviously didn't see me because it was too dark. They took a seat next to bonfire with other girls. We got out and headed to the bathroom. Briana wanted to redo her make-up before we looked for David. Good thing it was dark enough for us to take off out wet clothes and change into our regular clothes. Unfortunately, we had to pass by the bonfire to go to the bathroom.

When we reach the bonfire Lindsey stopped and took a seat. Briana looked at me with confusion and I shrugged. I took a seat next to Lindsey and Briana followed. I tried really hard to avoid Tyler, but I couldn't. I took a glance at him. Good thing he wasn't looking at me but, at another girl. Jealousy started taking over. He was staring at that girl he was talking to at last party.

Lindsey was staring at Ryan the whole time. I wasn't shocked he was staring back at her. They were smiling and blushing. I couldn't help but smile. Later on David came with a guitar. Briana pinched my arm which made me scream. Everyone was then staring at me, but I ignored them.

David took a seat next to Briana, which made her blush. I took a look at Ryan who didn't look to happy. David started playing songs. Everyone clapped after he finished every song. I still think Tyler was a better singer to be honest. I would rather hear Tyler sing than him, no offense.

"Hey Abby, why won't you sing?" Lindsey screamed. I couldn't help but blush.

"Oh, I can't," I say looking down. What the hell was Lindsey doing. She knows I never sing in front of people. I do love singing but I never had the guts to actually sing in front of other people.

"Come on Abigail," Briana pleaded.

"Fine, but Im the one who is going to play the guitar," I say. I was already regretting this, but something inside me wanted to for some reason. I wanted to impress Tyler and that slut he's been flirting with. David handed me the guitar. Ive known how to play guitar since I was 7. I started strumming some cords. I look up to see Tyler looking at me. I look back down at the guitar then back at him.

"I'm going to sing perfect two," I say looking at him.

I start singing and playing. Everyone listened and paid attention. I felt welcomed and wanted. I could see Tyler smiling at the corner of my eye. I couldn't help, but smile too. When I finished everyone clapped and cheered except the slut. Briana and Lindsey were screaming on core, which made me laugh. I handed guitar back to David and he started playing and singing again.

Lindsey was getting tired, so we drove back to the house. We left Briana so she could spend some more time with David. Briana told her parents earlier about Lindsey and they said it would be ok if she stayed with us. They did have a lot of empty rooms. Lindsey stayed in my room that night, even if she has her own guest room that was across from mine.

"This house is so big," she said while taking off her make-up. I don't really know why she weared make-up. She didn't even need it to be honest.

"Yeah, I know I was in shocked the first time I saw it too," I laughed. "How'd you know this was the house?" I asked her.

"Your Mom told me," she said.

"Oh...how's Sam?" I ask. She suddenly stops what she was doing and turns to look at me. She looked scared, this made my heart race. She approached me and sat on the bed next to me.

"No one has seen him ever since you left," she says. "I think he went on vacation or something."

"But...?" I say. Where was Sam? Why didn't he tell me he would be gone when I leave? What if it was true? What if he was cheating on me? Oh my gosh! Why?

"I'm sorry," she said frowning.

"It's fine," I reply.

I scotch back so I could put on my blanket. I lay back and fall asleep thinking of where Sam could be.

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