9 ~ First Wave

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I wake up to a knock on my door. "Open," I moan. It was Briana and Ryan.

"Goodmorning," they say.

"Morning," I say back.

"We were wondering if you wanted to eat out for breakfast," Ryan said.

"Oh, ya sure. Let me just get ready," I say fake smiling. They both nod then leave, closing the door. If they couldn't tell I'm not much of a morning person.

I get up and head to the bathroom to change. I took a quick shower and put my brown hair into a French braid. I then put on a daisy top and skinny jeans. I head downstairs to see Briana and Ryan waiting for me.

"Hey, we're just waiting for our ride," Briana says laughing.

"There he is," Ryan then says.

We head out and I see the driver. It was Tyler.

"You mind taking shotgun Abigail?" Ryan asks me.

"Ya, sure I guess," I say and we were in, heading to wherever we were headed.

When we reach out stop, Ryan and Briana jumped out of the car. They looked like they were running. I turn to look at Tyler and he starts laughing. We stay in the car for a few senconds, just looking at each other.

"Thank you," I say.

"For what?" he says confused. It was obvious he knew though. He just wanted to hear me say it.

"Bringing me home and helping me with John. Does anyone else know?"


"Good," I say as I exit the car. He gets out also and we both head inside.

*In Restuarant*

We get our orders. I ordered pancakes with sausage. Ryan and Tyler ordered bacon, scrambled eggs, and mini pancakes. Briana on the other hand ordered pancakes only.

"Why do you barely it anything?" I ask Briana when we got done ordering.

"She thinks she's fat," Ryan says. Tyler, who was sitting next to me, was laughing.

"No! I do not think that," she says sounding offended.

"Sure," Tyler says in sarcasm.

When we were halfway done, Briana says, "We should go to the beach."

"You already went yesterday. Did you think... I wouldn't find out?" Ryan said. I stuffed pancakes into my mouth, so Ryan wouldn't ask me anything.

Briana didn't say anything. She was staring at me. Maybe she wanted me to back her up or something.

"Briana was only there to get a drink," I say with my mouth full. Then Tyler starts laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

"One you are sooooooo bad at lying. Second it's so obvious why Briana wants to go to the beach," he says.

Ryan then looks at Briana. "What did I say about that guy?" he said trying not to scream. I look at her and put an apologizing face.

"You're just jealous, cause you don't want me to have a boyfriend before you do!" she screams.

"Wait you're gay?" I say which makes Tyler laugh even louder.

"No, and that's not true!" Ryan says.

Tyler gets closer to me and whispers in my ear, "It is true." I giggle a little.

"People, let's just go. If you want I'll keep an eye on Briana," he said winking at her.

"Whatever," Ryan says.

We head to beach silent. Well the music was blasting, and me and Tyler were singing at the top of our lungs. Was it weird me and Tyler were becoming friends?

When we got to the beach, Briana wasn't running to the beach. She waited. Tyler goes up to her and whispers something, which makes her start walking to the beach. Ryan follows her after a few seconds.

"Do you know how to surf?" Tyler asks.

"I live in Utah. Does that answer your question?" I say.

He laughs, "Well Utah girl, today Imma teach you how to surf."

"Not gonna happen," I say as I start heading toward the beach.

He catches up, "Why not? It's fun, trust me."

"Fine," I don't know why I agreed.

He borrows 2 boards and hands me one. "So first, do you know how to swim?" he asks.

"Of course."

"First you have to get comfortable with the board. First thing you do when you get in the water, is paddle to a spot, any spot. Then, you get I the board and turn towards the sand. After, you paddle towards the wave. Then you stand and boom, you're surfing," he says and I nod.

"I'll show you," he says as he starts running to the water. I sit on the sand and watch. Soon enough there is a wave coming. He then turns toward the sand and waves at me. I wave back smiling. Why is he so nice to me? I mean I've been mean to him ever since we meet. Well kinda. Before I knew it, he was riding a wave. I couldn't help but clap and laugh. He comes back running.

"You think you can do that?" He asks smiling. I shrug. "Well it's your turn."

I stand up and just stare at the beach. I really didn't wanna make a fool of myself. "I can't," I say quietly.

"Oh, yes you can," he says as he grabs hold of my hand and drags me to the water.

"We can go together, if that makes you feel more comfortable," he says smiling and tightening his grip, of my hand.

"That sounds good," I say as I nod.

We start paddling to a spot, and I can feel my heart racing. I was really nervous. If my parents were here, I wouldn't be doing this right now. We stop and wait for a wave.

"You scared?" he asks me and I nod. "It will be ok, I promise," he said. My heart slowly calms down to his words.

The wave comes and and turn around to face the sand. I barely hear him say go, as I stand to catch my first wave.

There I was catching my first wave. I was laughing and trying to keep my balance on the board. I look around for Tyler but I don't see him. When the wave ends, I start calling his name. No one. I then start screaming his name. Nothing. My heart starts beating fast and I can hardly breathe. What if he got caught by the wave. Suddently I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist and lift me up. I then scream I response.

"You did it," He screamed and I can't help but laugh. I was still off the ground and he just kept jumping and laughing. He then put me down and hugged me.

"See I knew you would do it," he said and I punch him on the shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for?" he asks.

"You scared me! I thought you like died or something!" I scream.

"Awww you were worried about me," He said in a girly voice.

"Shut up and stop. You're doing that face again," I say as I turn away from him.

He laughs, "We should get a something to eat."

For the rest of the day me and Tyler hang out together. We really got to know each other more. When we all were in the car, Ryan suggested that we go to Disneyworld. That night we all bought our tickets. We are going, Friday. In 4 days.

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