Chapter 1

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"Stay safe! Have a good night guys, thank you", the brunette would speak into the microphone as she'd raise her hand into the air. She'd look out over the packed dance floor to see the crowd of people cheering and applauding her.

Beca has just finished her DJ set at Embassy Club in downtown Los Angeles. She's been working and performing there for the past two years alongside writing and producing her own songs, hoping to break into the music business soon as a Music Producer. After completing her long set at the DJ booth she'd make her way over to the bar where her best friend would be waiting with her favourite drink that she always has after performing.

"One JD and coke just the way you like it", Jesse would smile handing her the drink now.

Beca would grab it, downing the drink in one go, and now leaning her front against the bar as she'd wait for the bartender to pour her another. "How did it sound tonight?", she'd glance down at her phone to check any messages that might have come through while she was performing her set before looking up at Jesse who'd be doing the same thing with his phone.

"Amazing as always!", he'd smile as he'd look back at her. "Listen I heard that there was a manager here tonight listening to everyone's sets to see who has the most potential", he'd nudge her before sipping from his own drink and smiling at a group of girls who were waving at him from across the club.

"What?!", she'd stand up straighter now facing him fully, "Why didn't you tell me that before I went on?! I would of played something different and thought more carefully about what songs to play", she'd frown at him looking over at the bartender for a second and taking her new drink off of him as he'd place it down or front of her.

"Because you'd be doing what you're doing right now, stressing out for no reason", he'd look down at her putting his hands on her shoulders, "Listen your set went amazing! Now..", he'd turn her so she was facing the same group of girls from before that were waving at him, "There is a group of hot, single girls over there that have been watching you all night!", he'd walk away from her backwards so he could still see her but now moving towards the group of girls. "Let's do what we do! And celebrate in style", he'd hold his arms out smiling as he'd wink before turning round to finally face the group of girls.

"He's such a dork", Beca would shake her head and roll her eyes at him playfully watching him now start talking to the girls. She'd sip on her drink and would notice one girl in particular watching her, subtly winking and biting her lip. "I mean if it's there on a plate..", she'd shrug her shoulders mumbling to herself before downing the rest of the drink. She'd order a bunch of shots for the table and then walk over to join Jesse and the group of girls.


Beca would be woken up by the feeling of someone kissing her face all over softly. She'd breathe in deeply, smiling as she'd run her hand up the person's bare back listening to them giggle quietly. "Last night was amazing", the person would whisper into the DJ ear's as they'd lay next to Beca now.

Beca would finally open her eyes looking over to see a hot blonde naked in bed next to her. "I might need you to remind me how that went", she'd smirk as she'd turn to face the girl, leaning in to kiss her now. As she'd caress the blonde's face with her hand the door to her bedroom would burst open showing a pissed off redhead marching over towards the bed. "Shit", Beca would mumble to herself as she'd fall backwards onto the bed covering her eyes with her forearm.

"Who the hell are you?", the blonde would move to cover herself up with the duvet looking the redhead up and down with a shocked look on her face.

Chloe would have her arms crossed still stood at the foot of the bed not even looking at the blonde girl but instead focusing her eyes on Beca who hasn't moved from the same position. "I'm the girlfriend", she'd now look at the blonde, tapping her foot impatiently, "Who the hell are you?"

The blonde would have her mouth hanging open before quickly grabbing her clothes off the floor and putting them on while yelling at Beca. "You have a girlfriend?!"

"Apparently so", Beca would wave her hand in the air not caring about anything that was happening as she'd sit up in bed a little putting on a jumper and watching the blonde getting dressed.

"You bitch! Do not even think of calling me!", she'd grab all of her stuff and storm out of Beca's apartment, slamming the front door on the way out.

"Why do you always have to do that? You could at least wait until I got another round", Beca would look over at Chloe who'd now be sat on the end of the bed trying to hold in a laugh.

"Because it is so much fun! The looks on their faces when they think you've just cheated on me with them!", Chloe would laugh now standing up again and getting her phone out.

"You're always pretending to be my girlfriend as well, they're going to figure it out sooner or later", Beca would now get out of bed after putting on some track pants. She'd walk over to her desk opening her laptop as she'd sit down on her swivel chair.

"Well maybe next time I'll have to show them some physical evidence that I'm your girlfriend", Chloe would mumble and smirk still looking down at her phone, typing away.

"My manager ladies and gentleman", Beca would swivel round in her chair clapping sarcastically at Chloe who'd look up at her smiling and shaking her head while rolling her eyes.

"You need to start being grateful for the amount of one night stands I've saved you from now", she'd point at Beca with her phone in her hand, "Now get in the shower and get dressed cause we have a meeting to go to"

"A meeting?", Beca would get up walking over to where Chloe was stood in front of her now, "With who?"

"Just a manager of this little record company called Capitol Records Nashville", Chloe would shrug her shoulders trying to hold back a massive smile as she'd put her phone in her back pocket.

"Are you serious?!", Beca would instantly grab Chloe lifting her off the floor in a bone-crushing hug. "Holy shit this is insane!"

"Yes I know but I need you to get in that shower and ready because we need to leave soon", Chloe would laugh sorting her hair out as she'd watch Beca walk towards her en-suite bathroom. "That blonde bimbo wears some cheap perfume", she'd mumble to herself.

"I heard that Beale, don't be jealous that she got to sleep with me and you didn't", Beca would shout over her shoulder before shutting the door to her en-suite and starting the shower.

Chloe would look over at the shut door sighing, "You have no idea Mitchell". She'd look around the room, tidying it up a little, before getting out some clothes for Beca to wear and then heading out of the bedroom to wait for her in the living room.

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