Chapter 8

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Beca would be in one of the recording booths with her guitar recording the back track for Chloe's birthday. She'd sigh thinking back to what happened last week with Chloe and the girl in the bar. Looking up she'd see Chloe waving over at her stood with Tom and Dan. She'd swear under her breath as she'd take off her headphones, putting her guitar down before leaving the booth.

"Hey, how's it going?", Chloe would smile running over to her and hugging her as soon as Beca had stepped out of the booth.

Beca would smile as she'd hug her before looking over and seeing Tom glare at her, she'd clear her throat pushing Chloe away now. "Uhm.. yeah all good, just recording stuff for the album"

"Can I hear it?", Chloe would walk over to the desk where Dan was sat who'd go wide-eyed looking at Beca who'd step in quickly.

"Maybe later", she'd step in front of Chloe now, turning to Dan to change the subject and ignoring Tom completely. "Did you put my lunch order in?"

"Yeah it should be-", he'd stop talking as the door would open.

"Nice", Beca would smile walking over to the door holding it open as a girl would walk in with her head down keeping an eye on the tray of food and drinks she was carrying in. "You can just put it over on the table"

"No problem", the girl would look up and smile over at Beca winking at her now.

"Wait, you're the girl from the bar the other night", Beca would point over at her not seeing the eye roll from Chloe who was stood next to Tom who still surprisingly hadn't said anything.

"Yeah, I can't believe you remember me", she'd look over at Chloe losing her smile quickly before then back at Beca. "I'm sorry again about the other night I didn't mean to cause any trouble with your girlfriend"

"Oh no no, there's been a mistake-", Beca would start before being interrupted by Tom.

"What do you mean girlfriend?!", Tom would cross his arms looking at Chloe before glaring at Beca again.

"Nothing babe, there was a misunderstanding the other night when we was out", she'd put her hand on his chest calming him down.

"Come on Chlo, we're gonna be late for our reservation", he'd put his arm round her waist practically pulling her out of the room.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at my party Becs", she'd wave as Tom would be pulling her out of the room leaving Beca with Dan and the girl who's name she still didn't know.

"There is something seriously wrong with that guy", Dan would mumble walking past Beca and grabbing a sandwich off of the tray before getting back to work.

Beca would smirk before turning to the girl who was stood there awkwardly and slightly confused. "What was your name again? I don't think I got it last time"

"Jenny, but everyone calls me Jen", she'd smile holding her hand out to Beca who'd take it kissing the back of it.

"Nice to finally put a name to a beautiful face", she'd wink at her along with a smile forgetting about Dan who was sat behind her trying not to laugh.

"Such a charmer", Jen would roll her eyes before leaving the room. "See you around"

"Jumping off of the Chloe train already?", Dan would spin round in his chair watching Beca start to eat the food brought in for her.

"I don't know there is still feelings-", she'd stop herself looking at him suspiciously, "Wait a minute! How did you know it was Chloe?!", she'd whisper yell at him putting her sandwich down.

"Oh come it's so obvious, when she came in the room and the way you hugged her back before that jerk scared you off"

"Obvious enough for Chloe to know?", she'd run a hand through her hair watching him still as he'd get back to work.

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