Chapter 35

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It was September. After a long summer of relaxing and taking time off to go on holiday, see family and spend time with each other Beca and Chloe were both back at work. Beca was busy most days in the studio creating and recording new songs to make a new album. She was enjoying being back in the studio with Dan, Ben and the others after having a long stretch of time after her tour and Jesse's wedding off.

Chloe had just started her new job as an assistant in a Kindergarten class at the local school, close to where they lived. She loved every minute of it, working with the children and meeting parents and other teachers. At one point she thought about how she had never done this before and studied to become a teacher but then realised if she did then she would never have met Beca, and been as happy as she is now with the singer.

Because they were busy every day during the week with both of their jobs, Bailey was left with Beca's Mom throughout the day before one of them would go and pick him up after work. The couple would have dinner and watch TV, with at least one of them quickly falling asleep shortly after putting it on from exhaustion. At the weekends the two of them would try and do stuff together as a couple or mini family with Bailey as well, either going on long walks/ picnics, visiting other people or just spending a day together at home relaxing.

This weekend though was different. It was September. Correction, it was the end of September. Which meant next week was Chloe's birthday. Which also meant it would be year that the two of them had started seeing each other. So as usual Beca was freaking out. She had told Chloe that she needed to work over the weekend to make sure that she got time off next week to celebrate her birthday and their anniversary. But really Beca had been running around all weekend speaking to people and making sure that everything was set for next week, including her present.

"Okay, talk me through next weekend again?", Dan would rub a hand down his face as he'd sit back in his large swivel chair that was in front of the recording booth desk.

"So, Chloe thinks that we're just staying in and chilling out during the day on her birthday, which we are, and then going out for a romantic dinner in the evening", she'd start to explain.

"But you're not?", he'd raise an eyebrow at her.

"Right, instead while she's getting ready upstairs to go out to dinner. I'm going to sneak everyone in downstairs to surprise her with a little party", she'd smile at the end.

"How the hell are you going to get all of those people downstairs in your house in the time it takes for Chloe to get ready?", he'd start to laugh looking behind Beca at Ben who'd be smiling as well.

"Dude, she takes like 5 hours to get ready. It's a piece of cake", she'd cross her arms feeling proud of herself.

"Yeah well let's just see what happens then. What about her present?"

"That is where you come in my friend", she'd walk over to grab her guitar and music sheets.

"Another song?", he'd question her.

"Yeah, she's like putty in my hands after I perform. But this one has a little twist to it", she'd look at Ben who'd wink at her before tapping his trouser pocket where something was sat inside.


Beca would walk into her Mom's house after using her spare key, she'd place her laptop bag by the front door. "Hey Mom, you home?", she'd then hear Bailey's nails scratching against the floor as he'd run towards the sound of her voice. "Hey buddy", she'd kneel down to greet hm, laughing as he'd jump all over her trying to lick her face.

She'd laugh as he'd end up climbing so he was trying to get onto her back, making her bend down to face the floor. "How was your day baby?", she'd look up at the sound of her girlfriend's voice, finding Chloe stood in the doorway of the kitchen watching them play.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought I was picking him up", she'd stand up now and walk over to where Chloe was, pecking her on the lips.

"Yeah I know, but your Mom phoned me during lunch and said about us staying for dinner", she'd smile as she'd lean in again to kiss her.

"Is that my idiot of a daughter who still hasn't proposed yet?", Jane would shout from the other side of the kitchen door where the couple were stood. Beca would roll her eyes and smile at Chloe giggling before walking into the room, holding Chloe's hand.

"Always a pleasure Mother", she'd smirk as she'd watch her Mom turn around and point a knife in her direction, her other hand resting on her hip.

"Why haven't you proposed yet? I told you about this months ago when you first moved in", she'd warn her.

"Alright Mom just put the knife down and let's talk about this", Beca would stand in front of Chloe with her hands in the air, trying not to laugh as she'd hear her girlfriend giggling again behind her.

"You're so annoying", Jane would turn back around to cut the vegetables again.

"But you love me just the same", Beca would kiss her Mom on the cheek before leaning back against the side next to her Mom, facing Chloe was smiling and winking back at her.

"I'll start setting the table", Chloe would grab the plates and cutlery from the side before walking out and being followed closely behind by Bailey.

Beca would smile as she'd watch her girlfriend walk out of the room, cooing and smiling down at Bailey beside her as he'd follow. "Seriously though Becs what's going on?", she'd turn her head as she'd hear her Mom start talking to her again.

"What do you mean?", Beca would walk over to the cabinet to grab the glasses, smiling as nothing would have changed from when she grew up and lived her.

"I can see that both of you are very happy", she'd finishing cutting the veg now putting it in the pot of stew that was cooking beside her, "And you now love together, you have a puppy together and it's coming up for a year soon right?"

"Yes you're right", Beca would smirk as she'd push her Mom's buttons even more knowing exactly where this conversation was leading.

"So when are you planning on marrying the girl?", she'd wash her hands under the tap before turning to watch her daughter pour out three drinks for them.

"Let's put it this way Mom", she'd look back up after finishing pouring the drinks, "Even when I do plan on proposing I'm not going to tell you because you are the worst at keeping secrets", she'd laugh a little as she'd watch her Mom's mouth go wide with shock.

"I am not!"

"You told cousin Stephanie that her boyfriend was going to propose to him an hour before he actually got down on one knee", she'd exclaim before laughing again.

"What are we laughing about?", Chloe would walk back in with a smile on her face as she'd walk over to by Beca.

"Mom's annoyed because I proved how bad she is at keeping secrets", she'd put her hand around Chloe to rest on her waist.

"Well, I know one secret that you've asked me to keep", she'd send a look to her daughter signalling to her about Chloe's birthday surprise next week.

"Ooohh tell me!", Chloe would lean against the counter in front of her.

"I'll tell you later babe", Beca would smile a little before picking up the drinks and sending a glare to her Mom as she'd walk out of the room.

"Dinner is 5 minutes away", she'd wink at Chloe before turning back to face the dinner cooking away. Chloe would furrow her eyebrows confused and intrigued by what secrets were being kept from her.

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