Chapter 22

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After another two weeks off for Christmas and New Year, Beca had to travel to Nashville to speak with some people from the label about her album. Seeing as it was only for a couple of nights Beca went without Chloe. She flew down to Nashville alone, Aubrey saying that she unfortunately had a meeting booked with another client. The label had put her up in a nice hotel not far from the label's building, also paying for her food and drink at the hotel.

As soon as Beca collapsed on the bed in her hotel room her phone started to ring. Taking it out of her pocket and seeing the caller ID 'Redhead' she smirked while sliding her finger to answer the call. "I've only been gone about 4 hours babe", she'd hold the phone up to her ear as she'd walk over to look at the view from her room.

"I know I may have tracked your flight so that I knew when to phone you", Chloe would cautiously say to Beca, knowing she was going to be made fun of the second she said the words.

"Wow.. The psycho side of you is starting to come out", she'd laugh a little as she'd watch cars drive past on the road down below.

"Beca, surely you know that you should never call a girl psycho", Beca would smile even more as she'd imagine Chloe crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah yeah, your secret is safe with me Chlo", Beca would carry on teasing Chloe making her way back towards the bed.

"Whatever", Chloe would roll her eyes with a small smile as she'd speak to Beca, "So what are your plans again while you're there? I hate not being your manager anymore.. I don't know your schedule"

"Hey you'll always be the boss babe don't worry", Beca would be looking through her bag for her phone charger as she'd continue talking to Chloe, "Uhm.. tomorrow I have the meeting with some people about how well my album is doing and if they think I need to do anything to help it. Then the following day I have a slot booked in at their recording booth where they want to see some new material.. Before I fly back home"

"Exciting stuff.. While I'm stuck here without you, trying to find myself a job", Chloe would say quietly.

"I've already said you don't need to get a job Chlo, I make enough money for the both of us", Beca would collapse back on the bed, putting a hand behind her head to relax.

"I know I know, but I want to get a job. I just need to figure out what kind of job I want", she'd smirk on the other end of the phone.

"Alright, well once I'm home I'll help you figure it all out and we can start looking at houses if you want as well"

"You're the best"

"I know", Beca would smirk, closing her eyes now as she'd yawn a little.

"I'll let you get some sleep Becs so you're ready for tomorrow", Chloe would be smiling on the other end as she'd imagine Beca with her eyes closed getting ready to sleep.

"I'll call you tomorrow babe", Beca would sit up now as she'd say goodbye.

"Please do.. Don't forget to set your alarm.. Oh and please remember to be polite to the people tomorrow.. Don't slouch in the chair, sit upright and-"

"Yes boss!", she'd roll her eyes. "Chlo come on I'm not that bad!", Beca would laugh a little.

"Okay sorry, night baby, I love you", Chloe would laugh a little back.

"I love you too, goodnight", Beca would smile to herself as she'd hang up the phone, looking around the room now. Checking the time Beca would decide that she was just going to go to bed seeing as she had a long day of meetings tomorrow with the label.

She's The Boss ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora