Chapter 38

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"Beca?", she'd hear Chloe shout from inside as she'd be playing with Bailey in the garden.

"Yeah babe", she'd smile as she'd watch Bailey run back to her with the ball in his mouth. "Good boy Bailey", she'd pet him on the head before throwing it again.

"My friend Sophie from work is coming over tonight with her husband", Chloe would walk out now, watching them both as she'd hold onto a travel mug.

"Okay, cool", she'd walk over to Chloe now as Bailey would be led out on the grass, chewing the tennis ball. "I'll try and finish a bit earlier than normal then at the studio"

"Thank you", she'd kiss her fiance on the cheek. "Have a good day at work, I love you", she'd smile before walking off.

"Love you too", Beca would watch the redhead walk back inside now, smiling as she'd feel proud that Chloe had gone out and gotten a new job that she was enjoying so much. "Come on Bailey, let's take you over to Mom's", she'd call out now watching Bailey run towards her and into the house as she'd follow.

Couple of hours later at work, Beca would be walking down the corridor holding onto her lunch. She'd glance through the windows of the rooms as she'd go past them, noticing the new girl from the other day sat on her own in the small staff room type area. She'd take a deep breath, thinking back to what the guys were saying on Monday about her checking the girl out. Disagreeing with them Beca would shake her head a little and mumble as she'd turn around to go into the room, "Can't let her sit on her own".

Beca would open the door slowly, smiling as she'd notice the girl look up quickly but then smiling back at her. "Hey, you alright in here?", she'd walk over to the table, sitting opposite the girl now who was also eating some lunch.

"Yeah just on my break. What are you doing?", she'd ask.

"I saw you sitting on your own and thought I'd join you", Beca would shrug her shoulders, smiling still as she'd begin to eat.

"So thoughtful of you", the girl would wink at her before taking a sip from her drink.

"Charming is a better word for it", Beca would smirk back at her. "I realised the other day that I didn't actually ask what your name was"

"It's Charlotte", she'd smile again. "But everyone calls me Charlie"

"I'm-", Beca would go to say her name before being interrupted.

"Beca Mitchell.. Yeah I already know who you are"

"Know of me for good reasons I hope", Beca would wink again as she'd open her can of drink.

"Haven't got anything bad to say yet but the day is still young", Charlie would lean forward resting her elbows on the table.

"So very confident in your first week of a new job", Beca would smile as she'd notice the distance getting smaller in between the two of them.

"You going to get someone to fire me? Do you have the power to do that?", she'd whisper quietly letting her eyes glance between Beca's lips and then back up to her deep blue eyes.

"I-I uh.. Yeah I could do that", Beca would notice her leaning in a little closer now, looking down as she'd notice the blonde slowly bite down on her lip before letting her tongue brush over her bottom lip slightly.

"You wouldn't do that though", Charlie would raise an eyebrow.

"Why do you think-"

"Because you are tempted", she'd continue to whisper, being so close now that their noses had brushed against each other. "To know more about me", she'd watch Beca close her eyes and start to lean back in. Charlie would smirk and quickly pull away, standing up as she'd throw her rubbish in the bin before walking over to the door. She'd flick her hair over her shoulder as she'd open the door and lean against it, "See you around", she'd bite down on her lip again before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

She's The Boss ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang