Chapter 41

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Later that night after spending all day with Bailey, Beca would take him back over to Chloe's. Letting him run inside as soon as Chloe opened the door, Beca would smile as she'd watch Chloe bend down to pick him up and cuddle as she'd step inside and shut the door.

"Was everything okay?", Chloe would put Bailey back on the floor.

"Yeah of course", Beca would glance around the house, hating the fact that she felt like a stranger in her own home. "Uh.. how was it at your parents?", Beca would look curious as she'd watch Chloe walk into the living room and sitting down. She'd cautiously follow before sitting down next to her but leaving some space between them.

"It was okay", she'd shrug her shoulders as she'd take a sip of her wine. "They kept asking where you were", she'd look over at Beca who was watching her before quickly glancing back down at the glass she was holding.

"What did you tell them?"

"I said that you was working", she'd finish off her drink now standing up. "Do you want a drink?", she'd start walking out of the room towards the kitchen.

"I'm driving so better not", Beca would watch the redhead walking out of the room. Taking a deep breath as she'd look around the room seeing that nothing had changed, there was still pictures of them up and her music collection hadn't been touched.

"Are you still staying at Jesse's?", Beca would snap her head back round to see Chloe holding a new glass of wine as she'd walk back round to sit down. Beca would notice how they were sat a little closer this time, but didn't think too much of it.

"Yeah, I wouldn't of been able to move back in with my Mom", Beca would roll her eyes, smirking and seeing Chloe smile a little.

There would be a silence between the two of them as Beca would watch Chloe playing with her hands that sat in her lap, showing that she was nervous. "Why did you give the ring back Chlo?", she'd ask her, watching Chloe snap her head up to look at her, biting down on her lip nervously again.

"Because I had to", she'd grab her glass, sipping more wine now.

"But did you want to?", Beca would pluck up the courage she needed to reach forward to hold Chloe's hand.

"You really hurt me Beca", Chloe would put her glass back on the table, not moving her hand from Beca's grasp.

Beca would sigh deeply, shaking her head a little as she'd look down at the space between them. "I can't change what happened but you need to know that it didn't happen the way you think", she'd look back up to see Chloe watching her now.

Beca would let go of her hand, edging closer to Chloe now on the sofa as she'd rest her arm across the back of the seat. "I could see her getting closer to me and I was getting up to move away but she jumped on my lap and just grabbed me", she'd watch Chloe look away and bite on her lip again, "I was pushing her away as soon as I knew what was happening but you had already seen"

"There's always going to be some rumour or whispers that you've cheated or a picture of you and another girl", Chloe would sniff and use her hand to wipe away a tear.

"I just need you to trust me", Beca would use her finger to turn Chloe's face so she was looking back at her.

"I just need some time to think about it all", she'd say quietly, looking into Beca's eyes now that we're pleading for forgiveness. Chloe would glance down quickly at Beca's lips wanting to taste them again one last time.

Beca would notice Chloe leaning in closer now. Even though she so badly wanted to kiss her and make her forget about everything that happened, she knew that Chloe had been drinking tonight and couldn't let it happen. As Chloe would put her hand on Beca's shoulder and be close enough that their noses were brushing against each other, Beca would whisper quietly.

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