Chapter 19

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Beca would smile waking up slowly as she'd feel Chloe next to her running her fingers up and down her stomach, resting her head on Beca's shoulder. She'd place her arm round her girlfriend's shoulder pulling her closer before kissing her softly on top of her head, "Morning princess"

"Mmm morning baby", Chloe would lean over the top of Beca now pecking her lips lightly as she'd smile. "Merry Christmas Eve!"

"Oh god, you're one of those overly Christmas people aren't you?", Beca would look up at Chloe smirking before rubbing a hand down her face to wake her up more.

"Oh come on Bec! It's Christmas Eve for god sake!", she'd put a t-shirt and pyjama shorts on now, leaning against the bed with her palms as she'd continue to watch Beca wake up slowly. "I want you to come with me and my family as we do our traditions"

"Sorry babe but I can't", Beca would sit up in bed, swinging her legs round to the side as she'd grab some clothes. "Me and Jesse have traditions of our own on Christmas Eve", she'd glance over at Chloe who was leaning against the doorway brushing her teeth, as she'd pull a jumper on over her head.

"Well what are you doing?", Chloe would mumble while continuing to brush her teeth as well.

"We're going to his Mom's grave, then normally just go to uhh- a bar and drink the rest of the day", she'd shrug her shoulders casually walking into the bathroom with Chloe now to brush her own teeth.

As Beca would stand back away from the sink Chloe would stand in front, blocking her way as she crossed her arms. "So you're just going to be pissed the whole day?", Chloe would raise her eyebrow at her girlfriend.

"Uh-huh, we do it every year", she'd nod her head for Chloe to move so she could rinse her mouth. Moving away again to grab a towel, Chloe would move to stand in front of the doorway now so Beca couldn't walk away from her.

"So I'm not going to see you at all today? Or tomorrow on Christmas?", she'd look annoyed now.

"I'll see you tomorrow, just after Christmas lunch. Me and Mom have dinner together every year on Christmas", she'd put her hands on Chloe's waist trying to get her favourite smile from her favourite person.

"Hey, I just thought if it's just you and your Mom, then I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind you coming round to ours for dinner", she'd put her hands on Beca's shoulders smiling now a little at her idea.

"I could ask her and see what she thinks but as long as your parents are fine with it then, sure why not"

"I'll go ask them now and I'll see you tomorrow with your Mom", she'd pull Beca in now for a long sweet kiss, tangling her fingers into her hair as the kiss would turn heated for a second. Chloe would bite down on her lower lip as she'd pull away slightly, "Merry Christmas baby", she'd peck her on the lips again grazing her teeth lightly over Beca's lower lip before walking away, swaying her hips.


Beca would enter a bar with Jesse shortly after visiting his Mom's grave. They'd walk over to the bar and would sit up on a stool each waiting now to be served by the staff that have come to know the two friends quite well. "I can't believe it's been 10 years this year", Jesse would stare down at the bar counter tracing the lines with his finger as he'd daydream about his Mom.

"Hey come on, let's get a drink like always huh? And head off to the strip club after a few rounds then crash at yours just like the past 5 years", Beca would put her hand on his shoulder trying to cheer him up.

"We can't go to the strip club this year", he'd glance over at Beca now sitting up straight as the barmaid would lean against the bar in front of them, pushing her cleavage up. "Two scotch on the rocks please Ash", he'd quickly order their drinks before turning to face Beca again.

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