Chapter 18

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After arriving back in LA yesterday in time for Christmas, Beca and Jesse would be walking around the Mall shopping for presents. "Have you gotten any presents yet?", Jesse would ask as the two best friends would walk through the front entrance of the shopping mall.

"Nope, nothing", she'd sigh running a hand down her face, "Chloe said she's done! Done?! I don't understand how", she'd now put her hands in her pockets as she'd follow Jesse into the first shop.

"Maybe because she didn't leave it until 4 days before Christmas", he'd smirk as he'd look through the shelves of vinyl records.

"Yeah maybe", she'd sigh again looking at the records as well now. "I'm guessing you're almost done then?"

"Yeah I've just got to find something for my Dad, hence why I'm in here looking for a record to give him"

"Fair enough", she'd mumble not paying much attention now as she'd focus on the records in front of her looking more for herself than others.

Jesse would look over shaking his head while holding a record he was going to buy. While walking past he'd flick her ear smirking, "Think of places you need to go to buy presents while I buy this, I need to be home at a reasonable time to see Aubrey"

"Yeah yeah whatever", she'd rub her ear trying to ease the pain as she'd watch Jesse walk off towards the cashier.

After a couple of hours of walking round and visiting various shops the two of them would be walking towards the exit holding a number of shopping bags filled with presents ready to be wrapped. They'd reach Beca's car and would put their shopping bags in the trunk before then climbing in the front, starting the car.

"Hold on", he'd put his hand up to stop Beca from driving away.

"What's up?", she'd glance over at him, one hand on the steering wheel and the over on the gear stick waiting to pull out of the parking space.

"You didn't get anything for Chloe"

"I did don't worry", she'd pat the inside pocket of her jacket smiling over at him, "While you was getting us food I quickly went and got it", she'd finally pull out of the space now driving out of the parking lot in the direction of Jesse's house.

"Okay good, cause I'd love to see you try and sweet talk your way out of no Christmas present", he'd laugh while fiddling around with the radio finding something good to listen to for the journey home.

"Just cause my relationship isn't all rainbows and smiles like yours doesn't mean it still isn't as serious", she'd glare over at him before turning back to concentrate on the road.

"Hmm.. I dunno, mine is about to take the next step I think", he'd fumble with his hands in his lap nervously avoiding Beca's gaze as he'd look out the window.

"The next-.. Wait, what are you talking about Jess?", she'd continue to glance over at him again and again to see if he'll budge and tell her what he's planned.

"You'll see soon enough", he'd take a deep breath facing forward again now as he'd mumble the last part, "If I work up the courage to do it"

After another 10 minutes of casually listening and sometimes singing along to the radio Beca would pull up outside of Jesse's house to find Aubrey stood on the front porch waiting for him. "You are whipped my friend", she'd smirk waving back at Aubrey who'd be smiling and watching them but couldn't hear what they were saying.

"I am not!", he'd grab his phone from the charging port looking over at Beca now. "You're the one who caves in whenever Chloe calls you 'baby'", he'd laugh getting out of the car now to get his bags out of the trunk.

"Hey low blow man!", she'd yell out of the driver side window, waiting for him to grab his bags.

Jesse would walk around to the window now putting his hand on Beca's shoulder, "See you Christmas Eve for our normal tradition?"

"Of course, unless your girlfriend doesn't let you", she'd answer back quiet enough so Aubrey wouldn't hear, who was now walking down the pathway to greet them both.

"Get out of here will ya!", he'd push Beca slightly now back into her car as Aubrey would reach them waving again at Beca before kissing Jesse on the cheek and putting an arm through his, holding onto his bicep.

"See you two lovebirds later", she'd salute them with two fingers and a smile before driving away now back to her own apartment.


Whistling a tune from the song just playing on the radio in the car Beca would open the door to her apartment, chucking her keys in the bowl by the door before walking into the kitchen.

"Fucking hell!", she'd put a hand on her chest as she'd see Chloe leaning against the counter scrolling through her phone before looking up and smiling at her girlfriend.

"Hey you", Chloe would put her phone away now walking over to greet Beca who was still trying to control her heart rate.

"Should I be expecting you in my apartment every time I come home to give me a mini heart attack", she'd smirk pecking Chloe gently on the lips as she'd reach her before putting the shopping bags down on the breakfast bar.

"Well get used to it cause when we move in together I'll always be here when you get home", Chloe would answer her smiling as she'd watch Beca open the fridge and grab a beer.

Beca would freeze as she'd twist off the bottle cap staring over at Chloe before finally answering, "L-live together? When, I mean how- When is that happening?", she'd stammer out watching Chloe walk over and sit on the stool at the breakfast bar.

"Well obviously not right now but I dunno by next Christmas definitely", Chloe would shrug her shoulders speaking casually about their future.

Beca would smirk as she'd sip on her beer, putting it down in front of her she'd lean her palms on the counter raising an eyebrow at her girlfriend. "You've got it all planned out don't you?", she'd point a finger at her laughing slightly as she'd notice Chloe's cheeks go slightly red with embarrassment.

"No, I don't", she'd cross her arms trying to show a normal expression.

"Yes you do!", Beca would stand up straight laughing again before continuing, "I bet you've got a wedding date set, a house you've seen 5 years ago that you know you want to live in someday, and I bet you know the number of kids you want and their names"

Chloe would bite down on her lip as she'd realise Beca was spot on with everything she just said. "Does that scare you away?", she'd glance down at the countertop now playing with the bracelet she was wearing.

Beca would sip her beer again walking round so she was now stood in between Chloe's legs trapping her by putting her arms either side resting on the counter behind her. "Of course not, but I don't want you to be disappointed if not everything you dreamed goes to plan the way you wanted it to"

Chloe would smile wrapping her arms around the musician's neck now pulling her closer so she could whisper quietly. "As long as you are in the plans I don't care how it turns out", she'd peck her lips gently smiling as Beca would put her hands on Chloe's waist rubbing circles underneath her shirt using her thumbs.

"I love you", Beca would kiss her again more deep and passionate this time pulling Chloe's body flush against hers.

Chloe would pull away with her eyebrows furrowed together with a curious expression on her face putting a hand on Beca's chest where her jacket pocket was located. "What's in your pocket? It was digging into me", she'd go to put her hand in the pocket but would be stopped by Beca grabbing her wrist and moving away quickly.

"It's uh- It's nothing, I'm gonna go get changed and we can cuddle up and watch TV before bed", she'd ramble out as she'd walk away towards her bedroom.

"What are you hiding from me Mitchell?", Chloe would mumble quietly to herself as she'd get up and make her way into the living room.

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