Chapter 25

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Chloe and Beca would be cuddled up on Beca's sofa, with the TV playing a random film on in the background. Beca would be scrolling through her phone as Chloe would be on the laptop, looking at different house viewings. "Beca, could you please put your phone down and help me look for a house?", Chloe would roll her eyes nudging her girlfriend next to her, making her sit up.

"Yeah, sorry", Beca would put her phone in her pocket as she'd put her arm on the back on the sofa behind Chloe, turning to face her better so she could look at the laptop. "Have we got any viewings booked in yet?"

"Well I've just booked this one", Chloe would click on one advert making the full screen open to show the prices and pictures of each room and garden space. "It's already been decorated and furnished so all we would have to do is move in. We wouldn't have to worry about any of that other stuff", she'd click through each picture looking at each room.

"I thought you said that you wanted to buy a house that you could do up yourself so that it was exactly how you wanted", Beca would scoot a little closer on the sofa as she'd look at the pictures.

"I know I know but I just thought we should look at all our options, we might fall in love with this one", Chloe would smile leaning her head down to rest on Beca's shoulder.

"Okay well what else is there?", Beca would kiss the top of her head as she'd take the laptop off of Chloe's lap so she could get more comfortable. As she'd scroll through the next advert which showed a newly built house which needed decorating and furnishing, someone would knock on the door.

"Who is that?", Chloe would get up and walk over to open the door. "How did they even get in without being buzzed in by us?", she'd furrow her eyebrows as she'd go to open the door.

"It's probably Je-", Beca would start before being interrupted by Jesse at the door.

"Hey lovebirds!", Jesse would shout as he'd step into the apartment, smiling at Chloe who'd be laughing lightly back at him.

"Hey Jess come and look at this house", Beca would shout through the apartment to him as Chloe would pull away from hugging him after shutting the door.

"Excuse me Mademoiselle", he'd take Chloe's hand and would kiss the back of it, smiling as he'd walk off to see Beca.

Chloe would follow him into the living room, laughing still as she'd watch him sit down next to Beca. "You're in a good mood today"

"How can I not be?", he'd look back up at Chloe, leaning back against the sofa. "The woman I love has said yes to marrying me, I've got a job, friends and family that I love", he'd put an arm around Beca's shoulder pulling her in for a tight hug.

"Are you drunk?", Beca would push him off looking up at him with her eyebrow raised.

"No", he'd laugh looking back down at the pictures of a house on the laptop. "Are you guys getting a house together?"

Chloe would jump back next to Beca, taking up the same position she was in before Jesse arrived. "We're just having a look around at the minute but eventually, yes!", she'd link her arm through Beca's and would smile and squeeze her bicep getting excited.

"Nice, this one looks cool cause you could decorate and make it how you want it", he'd point at the laptop screen before looking at the two girls.

"I've just booked to go and have a look at it next week as well as the other one that is already furnished", Beca would close the laptop screen down now, placing it on the table in front of them. "So, not that I don't like your company Jess.. but is there a reason that your here?", she'd put her arm back behind Chloe as she'd cuddle into her side.

"Well, I wanted to actually ask you to be my best man/ woman when I get married?", he'd smile at Beca winking at Chloe who'd be sat with her mouth open looking excited.

Beca would scratch her head smirking back at Jesse, "I thought I was already going to be that"

Chloe would hit her girlfriend in the arm as she'd sit up straight, "Don't be so ungrateful"

"Hey, I'm not but I just assumed that I was going to be his best man/ woman because we're best friends", she'd glance back over at Chloe matching her glare before looking back at Jesse.

"No yeah you're right, we've always said that we'll be each other's best men or whatever for our weddings.. But I just thought I should actually ask the question?", he'd shrug while laughing at the two girls who were having a stare off.

"Of course I will dude", she'd take his hand and would pull him in for a bro hug before sitting back and looking back over at Chloe with her signature smirk plastered on her face. "Told you", she'd cross her arms and would wink at her.

Chloe would poke her tongue out at her as she'd get up and strut away towards the kitchen swinging her hips. Jesse would laugh at the two of them before turning back to look at Beca. "Okay so first thing on the list is to help me and Aubrey move all of her stuff in to my house", he'd wince as he'd wait for her reaction.

Beca would groan throwing her head back to rest against the back of sofa as she'd roll her eyes, "Ugh okay fine, when is this happening?"

"Tomorrow?", he'd wince again standing up now.

"Are you kidding?", she'd lean forward now as Chloe would walk back into the room with a glass of water, sitting back down next to Beca. "Me and Chloe had plans tomorrow"

"What plans?", he'd cross his arms looking down at her.

"Yeah, what plans?", Chloe would copy him, crossing her arms as well as she'd raise an eyebrow at her girlfriend.

"Well, uh..", Beca would look in between them both glaring at Chloe eventually before looking back up at Jesse. "Okay, fine we'll be there to help"

"I'll leave you to it", Jesse would smile at them both as he'd grab his keys from the side before leaving the apartment.

"It'll be fun", Chloe would bounce in her seat as she'd turn to face Beca who'd have her arm draped over her face covering it up.

"Oh yeah, you say that now. But just wait until Aubrey makes me move the whole living room around to the way she likes it", she'd take her arm away looking over at the redhead who'd put her hand on Beca's thigh now.

"Can you please not be miserable the whole day tomorrow?", Chloe would roll her eyes.

"Can't make any promises, Chlo", she'd smirk winking at her again.

"Well maybe I could persuade you to make sure you stay in a good mood all day", Chloe would bite down on her lower lip as she'd slowly move her hand up Beca's thigh towards her centre. She'd move so she was straddling her girlfriend now moving both hands up her front to then rest on her shoulders.

"I like the way this is going", she'd move her hands round Chloe's waist so they'd rest on the small of her back as she'd pull her in for a deep kiss. Instantly she'd smile as she'd feel the redheads hands go through her hair before resting on the nape of her neck pulling her closer so their bodies were pressed against each other.

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