Chapter 24

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After reading through the email and attachments Chloe would mark the email as unread so that it didn't look suspicious that it had already been opened and would place the phone back where it came from.

She'd stay sat in bed for a while thinking over everything she just read in the email, running her hands through her hair trying to calm down. The door to the bedroom would open now and Chloe would clear her throat and act natural as she'd watch Beca walk in holding a tray with food and drinks on top.

"Morning princess", Beca would smile as she'd place the tray down carefully on the bed.

"Hey, what's all this?", Chloe would push away the thoughts from earlier deciding to give Beca a chance to tell her. She'd look down at the tray at all the breakfast foods on top along with some orange juice.

"I felt bad about what happened last night so I thought I'd treat you today with some breakfast in bed", Beca would grab one of the glasses as she'd take a sip of the juice, watching her girlfriend stare back at her. "Are you okay? You're kind of staring at me Chlo", she'd smirk feeling slightly nervous.

"Huh?", she'd blink quickly looking down at the tray again and then back up at Beca, "Yeah I'm sorry, why did you feel bad? Is there something you need to talk about?", she'd try and push her for an answer linking to the email she just read without starting another argument.

"No nothing to talk about just hate arguing with you", Beca would push a piece of hair behind Chloe's ear, smiling at her. "Eat up, your Mom was saying about how we're going to the lake a bit later on"

Chloe would force a smile back at her starting to eat the breakfast in front of her now as she'd try and hide the disappointment and anger inside. After finishing her breakfast she'd get changed for the lake alongside Beca, putting her bikini on underneath her clothes. She'd walk downstairs with Beca shortly behind her and would immediately walk over to the other women who were packing bags in the kitchen to take with them.

Beca would travel with Jamie, Liam and Luke to the lake in Jamie's car, chatting the whole way about Luke's failed relationships while he sat in the back playing with Liam. As they'd arrive at the lake spot after the short drive, Beca would help set up the chairs while John and Mark tended to the barbecue. She'd look around as the final car would park up and would watch Chloe walk over with Cindy and Lily shortly behind her.

Holding a beer that Luke had handed to her she'd smile at Chloe as she'd walk past, going over to her to speak to her. As she'd take a couple steps towards her she'd watch Chloe roll her eyes and walk straight past her talking to Lily and linking their arms together. Beca would be left stood there shocked as she'd watch Chloe walk past her and then look next to her to find Luke and Jamie stood there.

"What did you do?", Luke would smirk taking a sip of his beer as he'd place a hand on Beca's shoulder.

"What do you mean?", she'd turn to face them as she'd also start to drink her beer slightly faster than before.

"Chlo-bear only avoids you if you've done something to piss her off", Jamie would smile next to his brother as they'd all then look over at Chloe to find her smiling and laughing with Liam.

"I haven't done anything", Beca would furrow her eyebrows trying to think over the last couple of days as she'd run her fingers through her hair.

"Maybe that's the problem", Luke would pat Beca on the shoulder again before leading her over to the barbecue where Mark and John where stood talking.

Chloe would be playing with her nephew Liam close to the water's edge as she'd ignore Beca's gaze that she could feel on her. "Auntie Chloe, why are you sad?", Liam would ask her as he'd climb to sit in her lap.

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