"Does it matter?" Seokjin asked, running his hands through taehyungs hair. The omega in turn hummed in comfort.

Taehyung was very upset after the whole incident.
Not to mention exhausted from giving all the blood.

"Yes" hoseok answered bluntly.

"Why? Can't we just focus on healing yoongi and then moving past this?" Seokjin sounded as if he were to cry.

"No! We need to know what happened so we can prevent it from happening again!" Hoseok defended, now resting his elbows on his knees, hunched over in frustration.

Everyone was blaming themselves.
Some were angry they weren't there when it happened, thinking that they could have done something. Others were just frustrated that they couldn't do anything to help now.

"Please hoseok.." Jin began, his voice was tense, slow and desperate, "you haven't seen them. Yoongi is so pale. His stats haven't changed, the only good thing is that his breathing has calmed. Jungkook.,, Jungkook hasn't stopped hating himself. Mates, even when feral, never attack each other. Never. He's so angry, so full of doubt. He's doubting his abilities to protect his own mate. And that... is one of the most painful things to feel"

The room fell silent.
The only sound was taehyungs soft breathing as he slept, something that happened as seokjin ran his fingers through the youngers hair.

"Then why did he attack?" Hoseok spoke. He just wanted some form of conclusion, the whole situation was so... so fucked.

"I guess, it's because they're not marked. It's the only reason I can come up with" Namjoon finally spoke up, "the fact is, only two people here know what happened. One can't remember, and the other is unconscious. All we can do is... all we can do is.."

"Wait." Jimin turned to face the group from his window seat, relaxing a sad sigh, "all we can do is wait"


11pm. Seokjin came around and checked yoongis stats. They remained the same.

After that he left, saying something about getting some sleep before the ball tomorrow.

Jungkook still sat on the same chair, holding the same hand, thinking the same thoughts.

"I'm sorry yoongi.... I'm so sorry...."
Jungkook didn't realise he was crying until he saw a tear land on the bedsheet beside him.

"I couldn't protect you... worse, I hurt you. What mate does that? What person does that? Hurting the one you love. Ever since you came here, I've failed you time and time again. And now look at you. My poor, my poor sweet peach." Jungkook held yoongis hand in one hand and rubbed his thumb against his cheek with the other, "I'm so sorry baby"

Jungkook released it all. He still felt the joy that yoongi pulled, but it only made him feel worse. Unaware to yoongi, the omega had pulled the memory of their love. The memory of them on that beach. The sight of the small omega playing in the water, and the feeling that filled the alphas heart as he kissed him.
Jungkook felt pure joy. Jungkook felt yoongi. As yoongi was his joy.

Jungkook continued to cry for god knows how long, only stopping as he felt a small hand rest softly on his cheek.

Jungkooks head shot up, mouth hung open in anticipation.

"Now, now. What's all the tears for? Who died?" Yoongi joked, his voice hoarse and sore from lack of drinking and talking.

"Y-yoongi" Jungkook whispered, afraid that if he spoke too loud that the omega would fade away.

"Hey Kookie. You look terrible" the omega released a small rough giggle. Eyes turning upwards, gummy smile in display.

"Yoongi.." the alpha cried, squeezing the omegas hand tightly, kissing it softly. Jungkook buries his head into yoongis thigh and cried. The omega ran his spare hand through the alphas hair,
"It's okay, I know you were scared, it's okay, I'm okay" yoongi whispered softly, allowing his mate to finally breathe. To finally feel.

"Kookie go get ready the balls today!" Yoongi laughed at the alphas who still refused to leave his side.

"I'm not going if you're not." The alpha smiled.
After crying his eyes out, Jungkook climbed into the bed alongside yoongi, snuggling with his mate and sleeping for the first time in three days.

"You're going. Go shower. You stink" yoongi held his nose in feign disgust.

"Oh I stink?"

Yoongi nodded, upturning his nose and facing away from the alpha.
"Well, that sucks for you! Because I ain't leaving"

"Yes you are" Seokjin spoke happily as he entered the room.

"Morning seokjinnie-hyung" yoongi smiles at the elder.

"Morning sweetie" Jin pat the boys head as he walked to the medicine cabinet, grabbing a thermometer and blood pressure pump.

"As I was saying, you are leaving kook, go shower and get dressed the guests will be arriving in just a short 6 hours. Open up"
Yoongi opened his mouth for the thermometer. Seokjin then wrapped a band around his arm and began taking his blood pressure.

"I'm not Jin, I'm not going without my mate"

"I know."

Jungkook looked at Jin confused, "so I'm not going"

Jin took out yoongi thermometer and recorded his temperature, which was luckily back to normal, as was his blood pressure.

"Are you that slow? You're going. And so is yoongi"

"I can go?" The omega excitedly asked, sitting up straight in the bed.

"I can't see why not. You're well rested, good stats. Just no alcohol and stay calm." Jin placed a gentle hand on the omegas cheek.

Everyone was relieved when they'd heard that yoongi had woke up.
The house was now in full swing "Ball mode".

"Really?! Let's go then!" Jungkook stood and wrapped his arms around yoongi, lifting him bridal style from the bed.
Yoongi released a small gasp as Jungkook did so, then giggling like crazy at his mates silly actions.

"Be careful Kook! No funny business till he's stronger!" Jin smirked as the pairs faces flushed red.

"Jin!" The pair yelled in unison.

"What?" The omega innocently asked.

"You know what. Don't embarrass yoongi like that." Jungkook lectured his elder.

"I know, I tease" Jin giggled, "now go! You stink and need to eat."

Yoongi giggled as he was carried down the hall,
I guess we can tell him later, let's just enjoy the ball for now.

That's the end of the chapter, I hope you all enjoyed!
The updates are a little slower and that's because I'm kinda going through some personal stuff atm.
But ya home girl will be all good so don't worry please 😅

Word count: 1671


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