Chapter 16

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"Who found it?" Donghyuk asks. No one spoke up. "Well thank you for finding this for me."

"Well what are you guys waiting for?" Jieun said. "Go ahead and eat!"

As they finish their dinner, Jieun makes an announcement.

"I know you guys might be tired from listening to my voice right now but tomorrow is kinda like a free day. We can do whatever you guys want to do." Jieun said. The guys nodded as they cleaned up.

Bobby pushed Jieun towards the van and allowed her to go in first.

"Jieun-ah, where are you staying?" Bobby  asks.

"A hotel not far from you guys." She replied.

"Why don't you stay with us?" Yunhyeong suggests.

"I resevered a room for you guys only." She laughed.

"It's fine. We can probably make something work." Junhoe said.

It took them a while to get back to the hotel so they all decided to sleep in for a little bit.

"Ahh. It's nice to finally be with the guys again." Jieun smiles as she looks at the 7 guys next to her.

Halfway through the ride, Jieun eventually fell asleep on Donghyuk.

"Hyung, who's that?" Chanwoo whispered while pointing at Jieun, half asleep.

"Jieun." Hanbin replied.

"Are we not there yet?" Bobby said a bit loudly.

"Shut up Bobby. They're still sleeping." Jinhwan said as he pointed to Jieun and Donghyuk sleeping on each other.

"He defintely does like Jieun." Junhoe says.

"I hope he does realize that he has been making it so obvious. He even gave her that friendship ring." Chanwoo pointed out.

"He tried hiding it from us. Little did he know, he's exposing himself right now." Hanbin pointed to the smiling Donghyuk.

When arriving at the hotel, Jieun didn't wake up so Donghyuk carried her into their hotel with Hanbin carrying the wheelchair.

"I can take her if you need." Junhoe offered.

"No it's ok. I got it." Donghyuk reassured.

They ride in the elevator with Jieun riding on Donghyuk's back.

They reach the room and Chanwoo opened the door.

"I just realized that it's only our first day here." Bobby said.

"I wonder what she has in store for us tomorrow." Jinhwan said.

The guys allowed Jieun to sleep on one of the beds while Junhoe, Hanbin and Chanwoo got the other bed.

"Do you guys have blankets down there?" Hanbin asked.

"No. It's cold as heck down here." Yunhyeong complained. Junhoe handed the extra blanket to the 4 guys on the ground.

The next morning, Jieun was the first one to wake up. She looks around to see the guys all snoring. She drags herself onto her wherlchair and made sure her game was ready.

"Good morning Jieun." Jinhwan yawned. Jieun quickly put her papers away.

"Good morning Jinhwan." She smiled. "Good job yesterday."

"It was really hard not to tell him when he started crying." Jinhwan laughed.

"Same. I felt bad but it was pretty entertaining to see him finally realize it was with him." Jinhwan nodded in agreement.

"Oh, good morning guys." Bobby said as he sits up from the bed.

Jieun finalizes the game while everyone was getting up, except Donghyuk.

"Who's waking him up?" Yunhyeong said.

"I'll body slam him." Bobby chuckled.

"No." Hanbin said.

"Someone spray water on him." Chanwoo suggested.

"No." Hanbin said again.

"Jieun." Junhoe called. "Can you wake him up?" Jieun looks up to look over the sleeping boy. She sticks her hand out, telling the guys to help her up.

Junhoe helped Jieun over to Donghyuk.

"Donghyuk." She shook him lightly. "It's time to wake up."

"Not yet." He replied half asleep.

"Yah, we need to go eat." Jieun said. He all of a sudden pulled her into the bed with him. He fell asleep once again.

"Dongii? What are you doing?" Hanbin laughed.

"Yah! Let me go!" She yelled.

"Not planning on to." Donghyuk says as he wraps him arm around Jieun, trapping her onto the bed.

"I'm hungry!" She pleaded.

"You're too loud." He complained with his eyes closed.

"Come on Donghyuk. It's time to get up." Chanwoo hit Donghyuk lightly.

"Ugh, fine." He got up which allowed Jieun to breathe.

When he finally finished getting ready, Jieun pushed herself towards the door but Donghyuk stopped her.

"You owe me a day worth of sleep." He said.

"Was that a threat I heard?" She said.

"Yes." He replied.

"You threatened Jieun?" Jinhwan said.

"Maybe." Donghyuk said. Everyone glared at him. "Fight me." He replied.

They reach the lobby and put on their masks.

"The place were eating is nearby so we can walk from here. Well almost all of us." Junhoe offered to push Jieun today.

"It's right here." She pointed to a small open cafeteria.

"Oh my goodness it smells so good here." Bobby said as his mouth waters.

"Before you guys order, it wouldn't be a trip if there wasn't a game." She smirked. "And this time, I'll play with you guys." Everyone became curious. Jieun pulls out 7 cards.

"Oh no. I hate these." Bobby said while rubbing his temples.

"These will determind who will eat and who won't." She explained. Jieun shuffled the cards.

Everyone grabs a card and hides it.

"1. 2. 3." She counted. Everyone showed their card and they were all able to eat but Jieun.

"Crap." She muttered under her breath.

The guys ordered their food, leaving Jieun jealous.

"Sorry Jieun." Chanwoo laughed.

"No it's ok! Go ahead and eat." She smiled sadly.

All Jieun did was stare at the guys eat their food.

She all of a sudden felt something touch her lips. She turns to see Donghyuk offering her a spoonful of fried rice.

"What?" She asked.

"Go ahead a eat." He said with a gentle smile.

"She lost though." Bobby reminded.

"Would you rather her follow the rules and starve or allow her to break the rules and eat?" He explained. Donghyuk fed Jieun some of his food until the plate was empty.

They move to their next destination by car.

"Where are we going now?" Yunhyeong asked. Jieun smiled.

"We're going to your guys' fansign." She laughed.


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