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I couldn't stop thinking of the date yesterday, it was like it got engraved in my thoughts.

I could still feel both of their lips lingering on my soft lips, looking at the side to see Gomez staring at me.

"Are you okay? Why do you keep touching your lips, this is the 3rd time" Freakishly asked

Not knowing what to explain, I start starting at Gomez straight in the eyes.

"Sorry my lips we're dry, I touched them to see if I was right or not" Trying to make it sound legit and convincing.

"Okay and how's your date?" Gomez stared at me dead straight in my eyes, chuckling lightly to make it appear like I don't know what she's babbling about.

"Wait for what?! I had a date? Says who? I mean yeah it was valentines day yesterday but yeah" wishing Gomez would buy my rambling and drop this topic.

"Oh cmon, don't be embarrassed and plus I know you like them" I don't know what Gomez's objective here but to me, it looks like.

She's attempting to make me admit to her that I like Neptune and Venus. And I am falling in love with them.

But not that much, time will tell on what the future carries but for now I need to be grateful for everything.

After a couple of minutes arguing with Gomez, the bell rings which got my attention.

"Cmon it's break time" Gomez aforesaid lending me a hand, which I gladly accepted.

As we walked through the hallway, the doors of the elevator open. The elevator was not crowded which was a shocker.

At this time people would be heading out to have their break time, there were about 7 people on the elevator.

It was awkward, silent and honestly very calming but alas it had to come to an end.

"Cmon" Gomez getting a grip on my hands and pulling me towards a cafe, 

And it still looked the same as last time which for some reason got me happy.

Suddenly the doors behind my open resulting in me almost crashing on the floor.

I closed my eyes as I was waiting for the loud crash sound but it didn't happen. Opening my eyes to see what I didn't expect.

Venus hugging me tightly on my waist, blushing bright red causing Venus to smirk.

"Thanks, boss" Standing up and lending a hand, but Venus didn't shake my hand.

"It's alright, just don't let it again happen" Smirking while taking a seat somewhere.

Me and Gomez take a seat at our usual area, just ordering coffee.

Upon waiting for my coffee, I look around to see the twins gazing at me.

Our eyes caught each other which made me blush, I look back at them and they were smirking.

"The food is here" Happily handing me my coffee, it was so great and restaurant quality.



Me and my brother has ordered our regular a latte with whipped cream. Upon waiting for our latte's.

We both glance at our mate, a couple of minutes passed and our cutie is now staring at us.

I look at my brother and my brother looks at me, and we both just smirked which made our cutie embarrassed.

Which was hot, I'm getting a hard-on, and I think Venus is too.

Finally, our latte's are here. The place might be basic but the coffee and sweets are restaurant quality.

As it was getting dark, me and my brother instead of heading home. We follow our beautiful mate.

Stalking might seem wrong but in the werewolf world seems normal, my brother without explanation grabs me to an alleyway.

"What was for?!" Whispering loudly to my brother which made my brother more irritated.

"God I'm right in front of you not across the road, idiot!" Whispering back to me which I kinda deserved.

We look on the sidewalk, to see our mate run for it, in our response we run trying to catch our Luckson, but giving some distance.

He stopped near the front of his apartment which made me sad because we wanted more time with him.

But my brother had a different idea, my brother picks up a small piece of rock and then threw it at Luckson.

Luckson jumped and it was cute not gonna lie. Luckson quickly opened the door and went inside.

Time to go home or maybe me and my brother could.....

-12- <Idea>

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