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After a couple of minutes of Luckson who was red as a tomato between the twins who were teasing him whispering some possessive comments as they waited for someone to arrive, the front door opens catching the trio's attention.

Luckson's dismay it was the principal, he wasn't at all surprised but just nervous well they did say their father was the principal but how will I interact with the principal of my school, he could literally expel me right now.

Luckson stood up and greeted the principal with the respect he rightfully deserved. The twins weren't exactly keen on respecting their father they had their up's and down's and they still despise him.

"Good afternoon Mr. Principal" Luckson bowed down 90 degrees, Venus and Neptune just growled staring at Luckson's ass.

The principal just stood there shocked but soon after he sat down on the farthest seat, which stands for the highest person in the family Luckson thought

"Oh Luckson, you don't need to call me Mr. Principal. Call me Daniel or Dad" Daniel kindly chuckled as he took a seat while the mentioned brunette flushed.

Luckson just nodded in response but on the inside, he was having a malfunction, this is gonna be awkward Luckson predicted.

"Well then... Let's eat shall we?" Daniel suggested smiling with that everyone dug in. The food was delicious I've got to admit. Maybe I should practice how to cook? Hmm maybe, I do like cooking I'd probably burn the kitchen if I did. 

Jumping from the sudden hand on his thighs, Luckson could feel Venus & Neptune's firm hand caressing his thighs under the table, They're enjoying this, Maybe a little too much, Neptune thought of something sinister and brought his hand to the squirming brunette's nipples.

The brunette was a mess as he looked at the principal who was focused on his food, God please help me, Neptune just giggled under his breath as he pinched harder, biting his lip to stop himself, thankfully they were stopped when the twin's older sister walked in.

"Dad, sorry I'm late paperwork got me" A beautiful woman who seemed to be in her 30's or 40's taking a seat on the other side of the table, her attention falling onto the short brunette in between her brothers. 

"Oh! who's this cutie? a shrimp" The woman teased while the twins just growled at her. 

"He's ours" Neptune snarled while their older sister was just laughing her ass off,

"Chillax, but I'm just saying if they do something bad to you, you can tell me "Their sister commented finally she took her seat.

"Well, that killed the mood sister who broke up with 25 men in a day" Venus clapped back, The woman just laughed, when she finally realized something.

"My bad Michelle, Michelle Cortzan the unfortunate older sister of these two numbskulls" She introduced herself.

After a couple of minutes, maids could be seen carrying extra plates which had more food that looked exquisite.

Luckson almost cried from how delicious the food was, it was a millionaire's buffet, the brunette noticed that there was still a seat vacant which was adjacent to the principal's chair, which made Luckson wonder... 

Where's their mother? It would seem too informal rude even to ask right now so Luckson will ask them later. After dinner ended everyone started doing their own thing. Their father stuck with school paperwork, the twins somewhere in the mansion were probably stuck with paperwork along with their sister. 

Meanwhile, Luckson was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes because he wanted to get some alone time with himself, the maids didn't allow it but the teen didn't mind.

Luckson could feel heavy breathing behind him, he looked behind to see Venus & Neptune staring at him like some kind of dessert ready to be eaten out.

Luckson shrugged them off and continued cleaning the dishes, finally he was done.

"I have to gonna go home, I-i'll see you both tomorrow" Luckson explained mentally killing himself for stuttering.

"We could drive you home if you are fine with that? we don't mind" Neptune suggested, the other twin just looked through the drawers finding the keys to their car. 

The brunette thought for a moment, if he declined which isn't an option because he doesn't even know where he's at and would most likely get lost or worst, "Okay fine, there's no point in retaliating.

The twins smiled, swiftly carrying Luckson bridal style as they approached their car, Luckson was just embarrassed the whole drive both of the twins flirting and teasing, 

Finally, they arrived the drive wasn't that long, maybe half an hour to an hour. or maybe time froze or something.

"Uhm... Thanks, guys" Luckson smiled as he embraced the twins, the twins controlling themselves to not pounce the clueless brunette because of their buddies.

"It's no biggie, it's a form of apology for what we did" Neptune scratched his neck as looked away with a little shade of red.

"Apology for?" The brunette raised a brow completely forgetting that he was basically kidnapped and possibly molested when he was passed out. probably because of the exquisite food that he ate. 

Finally remembering why they were apologizing "Oh no it's fine," Luckson just awkwardly laughed it off compensating what happened with the food and I mean who wouldn't it's free food.

"I have to get inside, I'll see you guys tomorrow" The brunette smiled before closing the door, leaving the twins who were over the mood but they still had to take care of their problems, good thing they took a few photos... 



Old Version: 459
New Version: 944

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