69. (Dont even think about it) Birthday dates

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After classes are done, my friends drag me into the common room. Chelsea included.

Harry gives me a lot of chocolate frogs, since he knows they're my favourites. Hermione gets me a book called 'fun things to do now you're of age'. She gives me a pointed look when she hands it over. Hazel gives me a new OneRepublic album that wasn't out when we left. I look at it warily, but excitedly.

I guess it can't hurt to listen to it.

Luna gives me a necklace that wards off nargles, Emma-Leigh hands me some clip-on earrings, since I don't have my ears pierced. They're bright green, just how my eyes used to be. Sydney gives me a small model of the Sydney Opera house, which is our joke. Chelsea gives me an owl cage cleaner kit.

That's actually really thoughtful, since Wormwood really does not care that I haven't learned how to magically clean his cage.

Ron gets me a Chudley Cannons shirt, since I have officially declared myself a fan. He was ecstatic when I told him. Ginny gives me clip-on Quaffle earrings. Olivia gives me a Beauxbatons ribbon.

I love it.

I do homework until 6:30, when I decide to get ready. My Yule Ball dress is one of my only dresses, so I wear that.

It's black, with purple roses on it. It hugs my body until it gets to my legs, where it flares out with plain black fabric. I tie my hair up in a ponytail for a change, and wave my wand. A purple rose necklace appears on my neck. The chain looks like a stem with leaves coming off it.

I slip into some flats, and walk down the stairs. A few seconds later, George picks me up via floo. He floos us to Hogsmeade, and we apparate from there.

We're in a meadow. There's a picnic blanket, and little lights floating in the air. The stars twinkle above us, and I sit down on the blanket. There's a pile of more pillows and blankets off to the side.

"This is beautiful."

"Like you."

I feel my cheeks heat up, and he sits down next to me, pulling sandwiches from a basket.

"How long did this take you?" I say, taking in my surroundings. He plucks a flower and hands it to me.

"Quite a bit. Do you like it?"

"I love it."

He offers me a sandwich, and I take it, looking at the stars.

"This is perfect."

We eat in silence, enjoying each other's company. George is looking at me, and I turn my head to him.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"Yeah. Beauty."

I giggle. "That can't be all."

"I think I love you." He looks down, and if I wasn't blushing earlier, I am now. He looks back up, into my eyes, and I smile softly. "Now I'm sure." He says quietly. "Isabelle Snape, I love you. I know most people would think it's too early to know, bit I'm sure of it."

I lean in and press my lips on his, kissing him slowly. I pull away.

"I love you too." I say, before I can even think about it. His face lights up and I know I was right. I do.

He stands up, taking my hand and pulling me up with him, then pulls an iPhone out of his pocket.

"I wanted some music, and Hazel came to me an hour after I asked her, with this in her hands. She made me sit in a specific spot, and showed me some music that you might like. She showed me how to make a playlist as well. I believe you owe me a dance."

I think back to the Yule Ball. George was offering me a dance, and I said yes, but before we could dance, the ball ended.

"Why yes, I do." I giggle.

We whirl around under the stars to the music he's chosen, which happens to be some really good songs.

When the last song finishes, he waves his wand and the pillows and blankets arrange themselves, and we wrap ourselves in them. We stay there, staring at the stars. Soon, it's cold and he packs everything up and takes me back to Hogwarts.

"I know it wasn't much, but-"

"George, it was perfect."


I nod, and hug him. He hugs me back, before flooing back to wherever he's supposed to be.


I spend my week with Hazel, and then Lee takes her out. Before she goes, we all hand here presents.

From me, a CD called 'the best of screamo'. From Ron, a practise bludger. From Ginny, a book all about Quidditch. Sydney gives her a wishing basket (you wish for anything except food and it appears in there), and Olivia gives her a miniature charmed bass guitar. Chelsea hands over a lot of sugar (I hope someone else gets the joke) and Luna and Em have saved up enough money together to give her a mirror just like the one Sirius gave Harry, but she can see anything with it.

She's also got a gold watch, but won't say who it's from. Interesting.

Lee takes her away to London, where they go to a rock concert. How he got tickets, I have no idea.

Soon it'll be Christmas, then the end of the year will fly out at us from nowhere, as usual.

This year, I just hope that Hazel can take it.


The date was a bit awkward for me to write, but I survived.

There's a bit of mystery in this chapter and the one before this.

I wonder who gave Hazel that watch... >:D

Only I know.

QOTC: All time fave movie?

Please vomment!

Vomment sounds like vomit.


Saving SnapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora