63. Interrogation

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After a hot shower, Severus gives me a lot of food to eat. Thankfully, no apples.

I've had enough of apples.

After I eat as much as I can, I sit down in the living room with Severus. I'm enjoying the feel of the armchair.

"You have no idea how it felt, sleeping in a tree every night."

"You shouldn't have done it."

"It was actually fun. I don't know why."

"Katniss would have loved it."

"Did you read anything else?"

"Percy Jackson."


"It was pretty good."

"I'll get those other books."

"You don't have to yet. The aurors are asking for you. Apparently I'm not a good enough father."

I roll my eyes. "Stupid wizard cops. I'll go to the ministry and sort of talk to them."

"They'll use veritaserum."

"They'll use it anyway. It's not like they don't know my story." They know everything except my mission. Same with the death eaters. Order members are the only ones in on the plan.

"You're forgetting the death eaters. They're going to infiltrate the ministry."

"They already know where I was, so if the aurors write down anything from the interrogation, they won't read it."

"Okay, then. Let's go."

We floo to the ministry and sort of walk around until an auror spots me.

"Hey wizard cops." I say brightly.

"Hello, miss Snape. We're here to question you about-"

"Dude, I already know. Chill. Is there an interrogation room somewhere? I kind of don't want to do this out here." I gesture to everybody walking around us.

The auror who looks like he's in charge scoffs. "Of course there is. Follow us."

When we get there, he offers me some water.

"Veritaserum, I know. I wasn't born yesterday. Actually, I haven't been born yet but whatever." I say, shrugging.

"Here's the potion, then." He looks so annoyed, haha. I smirk and drain my glass of water, where a few drops of veritaserum lay.

Another guy comes up and sits down opposite me.

"Where were you the last month?"

"Travelling from New Zealand to here."

"Why were you in New Zealand?"

"I was sent there."

"By who?"

I test my ability to lie. "My aunt. She took me there for a trip."

Severus remains expressionless, but enters my mind.

How did you do that?

No idea.

"What's her name?"


"Why didn't your father tell us?"

"Because he didn't know. Aunt Trixie's crazy."

"What is your opinion of your father?"

I look Severus in the eyes. "He's the bravest man I've ever known, and has the biggest heart I've ever seen."

The aurors look at him, and Severus tilts his head in acknowledgement. "Thank you."

"I meant it. Okay?"




The auror gives a cough and I giggle. "Are you okay?"

"What was that about?"

"A book from my time. I explained the story to him."

"Okay, then."

I giggle again. "Any other questions?"

"No. The potion will wear off in five minutes, you may go."

"Great. Let's go."

We leave, and floo back home.

"That went well."

"How did you do that?"

"Muggle?" I offer. He shakes his head.

"It's been tested on muggles."

"So... Um... I'm all out of ideas."

"We need to ask Albus."

He forces the name out. I wince. So does he.

"Probably shouldn't have said that." He says quietly.

"Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself."

"I feel like MacBeth."

"You're not. He asked for it. Literally."

"That doesn't take away the guilt."

"You have a year, relax. I'll help you through it."




Deathly Hallows reference in there.

QOTC: did you spot it?

Please read Ask Away or ask me a question for it. I'll also be doing advice in there.

Please vomment!

(Vomment is my new word.)


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