22. Ron breaks his wand, now Ginny's gone.

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Time skip

I cast the disillusionment charm on myself and join the boys in detaching themselves from the group of Gryffindors and Slytherins being escorted to their next class. I'm pretty sure they want to check on Hermione and I haven't had the chance to either. They have no idea they're being followed.

They get stopped by McGonagall and tell her they're going to visit her, so she lets them go, but as I'm about to follow them, she puts her arm out slightly and I freeze.

"I know you're there, Miss Morgan. Make sure they don't get themselves killed."

"I will." I whisper, then quietly run after them. I almost forgot all about McGonagall. It's funny, she knows everything but chooses not to talk. Not that I'm complaining. If she knew about the deaths she would give her life trying to save them, and we need an alive McGonagall to run Hogwarts.

I catch up to the boys as they open the door, and I slip in quietly behind them as the door is still open. It's one of those doors that takes ages to shut without someone pulling hard. I watch their little episode and I swear that Ron has that look on his face where he's scared for someone. I knew it!

Take that, Hazel.

As they walk out Ron whispers something. Like he's singing quietly to himself. Or her.

"I'm just a sidekick..."

So that scene did happen. Cool.

I say a quick and quiet 'Hi.' To Hermione and follow them out the door. Of course, they have the piece of paper in their hands and are about to go to the bathroom when the teachers are called for a little meeting. Naturally, I have to follow the boys to eavesdrop.

Sadly, there isn't room in the cupboard for me because then I would get discovered, and I want to leave Ron alone when the news hits him. He'll be okay with Harry, but might not show anything if I'm there. It would also be a bit awkward for me to be in there with two guys, so I stand beside Severus when he comes.

I tap on his arm to the rhythm of his full name and he shifts his eyes to where I'm standing.

Suddenly I'm having a flashback of the forts day, only there are two Snapes. One is doing what he did that day, and the other only says one thing. "Just checking who it is. You obviously know I can do this, I'd be surprised if you didn't." Then the flashback ends and he's a bit more relaxed.

So I guess he can speak from inside memories, but I can't respond.

I wanna do that!

You shall.

What in the name of Merlin's pants was that?

It's me. I think you can tell from my voice. Why are you here?

Oh, it's Severus. Talking to me in my head. That's a new one.

The cupboard, I say in my head. Over there.

His eyes shift to the cupboard, then away. I hope the boys didn't see that.

Suddenly Everybody else comes in and I move so that nobody bumps into me, that would be pretty awkward. McGonagall starts talking and eventually Lockhart appears and everybody does their stuff just like in the books. After the meeting, everybody leaves and the boys head over to Lockhart's office. I follow them.


Also pretty short but I wanted to update. Most of this is what happened, but from a more interesting perspective.

If you want what really happened, just read this part in the books.

I find fanfics boring if they copy everything. Copy and paste is very noticeable.

QOTC: Did anybody else forget McGonagall even existed? I might have.

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