66. Chelsea facts

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After classes, I'm with Severus.

"The dark lord has informed me that you are to help Malfoy with his task."

"Because Malfoy's hopeless."

"Admittedly, he isn't that bad. He's quiet."

"Wrong answer. He's a total douchebag. Remember Harry?"

"He's been brought up by death eaters."

"I can't believe you're defending him." I take a breath, and close my eyes. "I don't have a chance, do I?"

"You already know the answer. I'm sorry, but it has to be done."

I sigh. "I'm not happy about this."

"At least you didn't take the vow."

"I remember that. I wasn't there, but I remember it."

"Narcissa requested that you weren't there, so it had to send you away."

'Away' is the Burrow.

"I'm not complaining." I smirk. "I bet I can help him more than you."

"It's on."

"Also, I need you to spend some time with Sirius." I say quickly, before he can object.


"Do you want to have an enjoyable nineteen years in the same room as him?"

"I'll keep to myself."

"But you know he's not that bad! Come on, you both have read the books and understand each other more. It'll be fun! You also both love reading, so you can talk about that. Please?"

"It won't be fun and you know that."

"I know everything."

"So do I."

I pout. "Now I can't use that excuse."

"Would you rather have me dead?"

"Obviously not." I sit down. "By the way, I want to get the muggle studies job once the battle's over. Actually..." I clear my throat. "When the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won." I grin. "Shakespeare."

"Did they teach you that at muggle school?"

"Yeah. It was fun. Will be. Whatever, you know what I mean."

"Why do you want that job?"

"I know everything about muggles, I am a muggle, I'll be nearby... I'll try and get an office that's close."




"Anyway, I'll leave you to marking stuff."


"Are you stuck in Gus mode or something?"

"I might be."

I laugh. "I have to go and do my homework now. See you later."


He turns back to his stuff and I head to the Hufflepuff common room. Chelsea is a Hufflepuff. I was actually really disappointed when I found out, since that's where I was meant to be.

Thanks, hat.

We just chat and get to know each other, and by the time I'm climbing the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, I know quite a lot about her.

For example:

She's met her parents already.

She already knew what house she was going to get, thanks to Pottermore.

She dyed her hair ginger.

Draco likes Gingers.

She's freaking out because her parents are supposed to get together soon, but all Draco does is stare at her.



Last night I came up with an ending. (Don't worry, it won't end very soon, I just think ahead.)

Sydney wants a sequel.

QOTC: do you guys want a sequel as well?

I have an okay-ish idea, but I'll only do it if at least five people comment 'yes' or something along those lines.

Have a lovely day and please vomment!


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