20. Christmas presents

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20th chapter! This will be a bit longer and also will be dedicated to...





Because they have voted and commented so many times! They have all stuck through every single chapter. Yay for you guys!

Oh, and HRKOsgood.

Who could forget her? (Totally not me...)

Anyway, enjoy the show...

Until the holidays, my program is completely split. When I'm not with Severus I'm with either the Trio or Ginny, and sometimes Dumbledore. He says I'll need to have some spells ready.

I don't get why I can't use reducto or something. Maybe even bombarda or bombarda maxima. Yup, I know my spells.

Oh wait, the whole place would cave in.

So I guess I'll just have to do what Big D says.

Finally, the Christmas holidays arrive and I'm free. Of course, everybody's still here but I'm fine with that.

I need to get stuff for everyone now.

This calls for a trip to the library. I hum to myself as I flick through spell books, and learn how to conjure quite a few things. I decide I'll use a combination of conjuring, transfiguration, and charming to get the perfect gifts.

I could do this every year.

That means Dumbledore will stay rich!

I write down some spells I'll need to use and put the books away. This can't be that hard... I'll just need presents for the Trio, Ginny, and Hazel.

So I spend the first day of my holidays memorising spells for Dumbledore, and making presents for people. It's surprisingly tiring. Pansy is becoming more distant.

Probably because we can only be normal people on the weekends.

She's away this Christmas as well so I have Severus and my other people I'm assigned to to keep me company. Poor Ginny is constantly distracted. It's that diary.

Journal. It's a journal.


Christmas. Hooray.

I'm spending this Christmas morning with the Gryffindors, since Slytherin isn't exactly the friendliest of houses. Especially around me.

It's not like I like them all, anyway.

So I sneak out with my presents the second I'm awake.

"Wattlebird." I say and the fat lady lets me in. I think she's getting used to the idea that I'm a nice Slytherin.

Or not. Haters gonna hate.

I sit with all of my lovely friends and we exchange presents. I somehow managed to combine enough spells to get a bass guitar for Hazel.

I love magic.

I got Ginny a golden snitch necklace, also created using spells.

Everything apart from Severus and Dumbledores presents were created with spells. I'm the new Hermione!

Speaking of Hermione, she has little clip on book earrings. I thought they would suit her.

Ron gets a Chudley Cannons badge that's charmed to cheer the team's name whenever the team is mentioned. So if he were to go to a game of theirs and was asked who he was supporting, he'd say their name and the badge would start cheering. He grins in delight and pins it to his robes.

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