11. You had me at food.

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"Izz! Wake up! You'll miss breakfast!"

"Wha... Oh hey Pansy..." I mutter sleepily. "You woke me up..."

"Yeah, sleepy. The food's almost gone."

"You had me at food." I say, getting up. I feel wide awake already. "Merlin's beard... I have that thing with Hermione today!"

"What thing? Can I come?"

"This is kind of a personal thing. We have to sort something out."

"Oh... Okay then."

"Thanks for understanding. I'll spend more time with you tomorrow, I promise. As long as you give me your word that you will not come with me today under any circumstances. If we muck this up, things could go seriously wrong." I look straight into her eyes and she nods.

"You have my word." She whispers.

"Great. Now, let's go! I'm starving!" I clap my hands.

She laughs. "I think breakfast is finished. Lucky I brought you a muffin."

"Thank you so much." I take the chocolate muffin from her hand and bite it, savouring the flavour. Then I get dressed while Pansy waits in the common room and we walk to class together. Our first class is potions.

As Snape is taking the register he gives a very tiny sigh of relief when I say I'm here. I wonder what that's about. I raise my eyebrows and he ignores them. This is odd.

Since Hermione doesn't want to talk to me until I give her my explanation I sit with Pansy. As we are making our potion Snape comes up to me and whispers something really quietly.

"You weren't at breakfast so I thought they had you."

"Wait, what?"

"Later." He says even more quietly and I nod. Then he speaks a bit louder. "Everybody quit staring and get back to work." That was quite effective, actually.

"What was that about?" Hisses Pansy. I shrug.

"Giving me some advice."

"He never does that!"


She nods and keeps stirring while I get back to chopping bowtruckle nails.


"Isabelle! I'm over here!"

"Hey Hermione. McGonagall kept me in after class."

"It's fine!" She huffs.

It's definitely not fine.

"Look, once we get there I'll explain my whole life story if you want me to. Just please stop being so cold around me. I came here to help you guys."

"Here we are."

She swings the door open and Snape brings us in.

"The death eaters have found out. Have you told anyone else?"

"I told Pansy I was Muggle Born but that's it."

"What are death eaters?" Asks Hermione.

"Voldemort's followers." I explain.

"What is Granger doing here?" Snape sneers. "Are you getting me to practise on her?"

"Practise?!" Exclaims Hermione.

"Everybody shush please!" I say. They stop and I take a deep breath. "Snape, I thought Dumbledore told you." I grit my teeth.

"He didn't."

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