51. Death eater meetings

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I wake up to the sound of Tonks falling over. She's one clumsy woman. I yawn and Ginny wakes up as there's another crash

"That's our wake-up call." I mutter sleepily.

"We need to get that bedroom done today." She replies with a yawn.


That night before dinner...

Severus walks through the door and Mrs Weasley calls me over from the drawing room. I rush down the stairs where Mrs Weasley eyes us warily.

"Hi." I beam at him. He looks at Mrs Weasley.

"I know." She sighs. "And I guess I'm fine with it, as long as you don't mistreat her."

"He doesn't." I say, then turn to him. "What's up with the spy stuff?"

"We have a meeting tomorrow, after lunch. Be well presented, I'll tell them the whole story, and you'll be introduced properly. As part of the family."

"Great. So mouldy Voldy will know, but everybody I actually trust won't?"

"Pretty much."

"That sucks but okay. Can we say that if Harry finds out he won't trust me anymore, and their link to him would be gone? Because that's kind of what will happen. He still doesn't like you much."

"I expected that." He says somewhat sadly. "Anyway, you need to look deadly. Think you can do that?"

"Am I allowed my beanie?" I touch the little black wooly hat sitting on my head.

"No. Try to look like you've thought about what you wear, but look like you mean business."

"Like Bellatrix?"

"Exactly like Bellatrix."

"I'll try." I look at Mrs Weasley. She gives me the ghost of a smile.


The next day after lunch, I look myself over in the mirror. I've explained to everyone about my double spy stuff, so nobody thinks I'm a traitor.

I wear a black dress that's has sheer fabric over my chest, while the rest of the fabric around my abdomen hugs my body, once it gets to the waist, it hangs loosely. When I spin it flares out. My big eyes are lined with black eyeliner, and I wear purple lipstick.

I look like a mini Bellatrix. All I need to do is curl my hair and I'd be her from the past. My hair at the moment falls down past my shoulders like a waterfall. Straight, but full of volume. I adjust the black choker around my neck so that the purple stone in it is in perfect alignment, then skip downstairs. George is waiting for me, and I walk up to him with my wand out.

"Hey George."

"You look... Different."

"That's what I'm aiming for."

He hugs me. "Be careful. You're meeting the dark lord today, and anything could go wrong."

I hug him back. "I'll be fine, Georgie."

Severus coughs and we pull away. "Come on, let's go."

I give George one last quick hug before walking out the door. Severus follows.

"Dating? Already?"

"You're forgetting that I'm almost sixteen. Anyway, we're just friends." He notices my blush and smirks.

"I knew it. You've got a thing for that boy. If he breaks your heart, I'll show him how quick good guys can go bad."

I laugh. "Please tell me you're not serious."

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