62. The rest of my quest

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As the sun starts to set, I reach Hanmer Springs, a small town with the best hot pools in the country. Since I can't get in to the pools to climb a tree there, I have to settle for a tree in a forest not too far away. It's walking distance. For my dinner I find a bush full of raspberries.

It's not much, but at least it's enough. I also gather some mint leaves for backup. I cast a charm on them so they can't dry up. Then I cast a charm on myself so I stay warm. I fall asleep in the most comfortable position I can find for sleeping in a tree.


"Hey! What are you doing? Kid? Wake up!"

My eyes flutter open. Where am I? Who's this person interrupting my sleep? I'll get Severus go kick them out.

The previous day comes rushing into my memory and I groan.

"Hi, I guess."

"What are you doing, sleeping in a tree?"

"I... Uh... I ran away?"

"Come with me, we'll get you back to your parents. Your mother and father must be worried sick. Say, how come I've never seen you around?"

I drop out of the tree and pull my wand out. "Petrificus Totalus." He goes still, and falls over. "Sorry, dude. I had to. Don't worry, you won't remember a thing. Obliviate." As his eyes close, I take off the body binding hex and walk away.

From here I don't know where to go. I decide to just fly north and see what happens. There's all these mountains in the way, so I don't know what's on the other side. This is the farthest James ever took me from Christchurch by car.

I guess I'll have to wing it.

I gather my energy and take to the skies, not caring who sees. The muggles can think what they want to think, I'm going home.

On my way, I collide with a familiar owl. He follows me over the mountains and lands with me on the other side.

"Wormwood! Hey, boy."

He nips my ear and holds out his leg, which has a letter tied to it. I slip it off and read.

Hey, Belle

I'm worried sick. Your father told me you went on a quest to prove your loyalty without getting branded. I've sent a quill and ink so you can write back.

I hope you're okay. I'd lose it if you weren't. The sand in the hourglass is falling faster.


Poor George. I find the quill and ink, and write a letter back.

Dear George,

I'm fine. I know which country I'm in, and I've made great progress. I'll be in Australia in a day or two, then maybe the next day in Indonesia. From there it'll be easy to get back. I'll see you in a couple of weeks.

Don't worry about me. The hourglass isn't counting down to my death. I wasn't in the books.

See you soon.


I tie it to Wormwood's leg, with the ink and quill. I start flying for a while, and come across an apple orchard. I conjure a bag and cast an undetectable extension charm on it, then pick enough to get me to the North Island. There's enough corn over there to feed an army. Nobody will miss the amount I'm planning. It won't even all be from the same corn field.

Once I have enough apples, I take off again. The bag weighs me down a bit, but I get to the top of the island before the sun sets.

That was quick.

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