8. Teaspoons and troll bogeys

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The next day in potions I hastily try and finish my essay while making a potion but it's no use.

"What are you doing there, Miss Morgan?" Says Snape.

"I... Um... I might have fallen asleep last night while doing my potions essay so I wanted to catch up on it in class time."

"You will not be allowed to do this now. I'll give you tonight to do it, since I held you up last night with the extra potions work but you will not be excused from today's work either. Now close your book and get back to work on the potion."

"Yes sir." I give him a very tiny smile that only he could see, and his eyes smile back. He then returns to scaring the other kids.

"How did you get off so easily?" Hisses Hermione, who happens to be sitting with me. "I mean I know you're in Slytherin but he likes you more than Malfoy!"

"I saw who he really is. He's not as bad as he seems." I start mashing beetle brains. "He's just fragile." I whisper. "Just don't tell anyone I said that because I have a few hexes up my sleeve that could knock Dumbledore out cold. I am sure not afraid of using them on other first years."

She nods warily.

"I'm not that bad though. I don't even believe in house prejudice. I mean, you've seen me with Harry and Ron, haven't you?" I whisper.

"They hate me, don't they?"

"I wouldn't say hate. Hey, Halloween is coming up, isn't it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just... Bring your wand with you. I can't stop what's about to happen. It's crucial if you really want to be friends with them, but please, bring your wand."

She nods in the same way Harry did on the train.

"Don't let me catch you talking in class again." Snape is standing over us. "And your cure for boils is going a bit off colour."

"Yes sir." Says Hermione.

We work in silence for a bit until Hermione talks again. "What did you mean? 'You can't stop what's about to happen'? And why do I need to bring my wand? How would you know what's going to happen? Wait. Are you a seer?"

"... Sort of. I know a lot of things. Some are in the past, some are in the future. I just... know stuff. It's pretty creepy according to other people."

"Could you... Maybe help me become friends with Harry and Ron? I don't know why, but I have a feeling about those two. I'm not going to ask how, but I have a feeling you know why I need to be around them."

"Yeah. They are hopeless. They seriously need your brains, Hermione."

She grins and we carry on in silence until the end of the lesson. We are the first to finish and Snape awards us five points each.

After classes I help Hermione with DADA work and she helps me with History Of Magic. We make quite a good team together.

"I know I shouldn't be asking... And it's really nosy of me... But... Will I need any spells?"

"It's bad to mess with time. I probably already did something by warning you. You'll get what I mean in a couple of years."

She nods slowly and gets back to work, writing out her Potions essay, while I finish off last nights. We keep going until the library closes, then we go our separate ways.


"No wonder no one can stand her." I hear Ron say after Charms on Halloween. "She's a nightmare!"

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