42. Truth or Dare

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"So George," says Fred. "truth or dare?"

"Truth." Says George.

"Who do you like?"

I face palm. "Why is that always the first question everybody asks?"

"Because it's interesting." Says Fred.

"Can I forfeit to dare?" Says George.

"Fine, then." Says Fred. "I dare you to tell us who you like."

"That's unfair!" Says Hermione.

"But I don't like anyone." Says George. He glares at his twin.

Fred sighs with annoyance and moves to me.

"Isabelle, truth or dare?"

"I don't like anyone, Fred."

"Then go out with George. He's a loner, too."

George sighs. "It doesn't work like that. I thought you would know, of all people."


"Hazel." I say. "Truth or dare?"


"Eat a fever fudge."

She wrinkles her nose, but does it anyway. She eats the antidote straight after and I smirk.

"That was disgusting, you need to make it taste better!"

We all laugh, then it's Hermione's turn.

"Truth or dare?" Asks George.


"When was the last time you read a book?"

"Last night."

"So that's why you were so tired this morning!" Laughs Ginny.

"Well, it was interesting."

We carry on until Mrs Weasley shouts up the stairs that lunch is ready. Once we finish lunch, we head on over to Harry's house.

I go over with everyone to witness the Dudley Disaster. Too bad I forgot about the fireplace being blocked. I'm squished up next to Ron.

After Mr Weasley blows up the wall, we topple out and I brush myself off.

"Hi, Harry. Oh, this must be Dudley." I smile sweetly at the blonde pig Harry calls his cousin, and he runs to the other side of the room. I laugh.

"Harry, why don't you get your bags?" Says Mr Weasley.

"We'll get them!" The twins say in unison. "Come on, Belle."

I follow them up the stairs.

"Where's his room, again?" I ask.

"Just up here." Says Fred.

I push open the door and step inside. I take a look around.

"Dudley's left all his toys here. All the broken ones. That boy is way too spoilt."

"Don't worry," says George.

"We've got some sweets for him." Says Fred, pulling some out of his pocket.

"Your mum won't be happy at all."

"We have to teach that pig a lesson."

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."

They grab Harry's trunk and I grab Hedwig's cage. I follow them back down to the living room, where Mr Dursley is getting angry. Fred drops a few ton-tongue toffees in front of Dudley and pretends not to notice. I see Dudley eyeing them greedily.

He so deserves this.

Once we're far away enough, he goes for them. We don't see his tongue swell, because we leave before that happens, but when Harry arrives, the twins pester him with questions.

I sigh and head upstairs to the room I'm sharing with Hazel before the yelling commences.

Soon I hear the trio climbing the stairs.

"Harry!" I call out. "Come here for a moment."

He comes in and I shut the door before the others can get in.

"Don't freak out. You won't die this year. How's that scar?"

"It's fine. What's going to happen this year?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you. I'm here to help, and I will help, but I won't tell you the future. You'll find out soon enough. And Harry?"


"I'm so sorry for not being able to stop what's about to happen. Just so you know, I am so sorry, but it's out of my hands. Hazel can't help either. We are both really sorry."

"What are you talking about?"

"Keep your wits about, just because you're not going to die doesn't mean you're not in danger. Be careful, scar head. Now I think Ron and Hermione are waiting for you. I'll see you later."

I open the door and he steps out.

"Thanks, even though I don't know what you mean."

"You're welcome. You'll find out by the end of the year."

The trio keep walking up, and Hazel comes in.

"What did you tell him?"

"Just that I was sorry for what's going to happen this year, and that it's beyond our control."

"What's this year?"

"Cedric. This is the first good guy we can't save. I feel so bad already. But how would we have saved him? I had to say sorry. I don't want Harry to hate us for not saving everyone. If anybody asks, we're seers, and Dumbledore asked us to help win the war, but we made an unbreakable vow not to save people, just help defeat voldy."

"Okay. Man, I feel bad for Cedric already."

"It's horrible, isn't it? How are we going to tell Harry after the series ends? What if he hates us for keeping it from him?"

"He- he won't. He's too nice."



"We... We don't know our own futures. Or Em's. Anything could happen."

"Well, we need to be as careful as possible, but help as much as possible."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Any time, potato."


So, Em isn't a character from the series, obviously.

So what's up with her?

Only I know.


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