17. Future vocab

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"When's your birthday?" I ask.

I decided it would be better to take advantage of the empty castle so we're outside, sitting under a tree.

"9th of January."

"So I'll just have to give you your birthday present on christmas."

"What is it?"

"You find out, Severus. You'll like it, though."

"You have no inspiration for 'therapy' do you?"

"Nope. I'm mainly just being here for you now."

"A friend?"

"If that's how you want to put it, yes. I'll be your friend of you want me to."

"I'd like that."

There is silence.

Well, not inside my head. In there I'm holding a massive party. Friends with Severus Tobias Snape!

I look around and Dumbledore is reaching into his robes. He takes his hand out and gives me a small wave. I give him a small smile as he disapperates.


"You are strangely annoying yet comforting. Is that even possible?" He asks softly.

"Yes. I'm pretty sure that's what all of my friends think of me. Well, that was before I came here. I'm pretty sure Hazel thinks I'm super annoying, but I'm always there for her. It's also vice versa. She insults Ryan Tedder at every moment possible but she's still amazing."

"Who in the name of Merlin's pants is Ryan Tedder?"

"I'll show you in 2002."

"It's weird. You being from the future. How have the muggles changed? I have noticed you don't talk much about your old life."

"That's because there's all this complex vocabulary that you probably wouldn't understand. My whole life was made of this thing called Wattpad, the Harry Potter books and movies, and a band called OneRepublic. Ryan Tedder is the lead singer."

"Could you teach me muggle language, then? You could talk about your old life more freely. You already know every detail about me, yet all I know about you is your name, a brief description of how you got here, and everything you have told me since the first day."

"Of course I'll teach you. Have you realised that it's been a whole year? Time sure does fly."

"A whole year..." He mutters.

So I proceed to explain iPads, iPods, Wattpad, fanfictions, fangirling, OTPS, and shipping.

It takes a while but eventually he understands everything.

"So... There were fanfictions involving a relationship between Lily and I? What were they like?"

"I only read one but it was really good. I mean, at first you were a bit of a pervert but in the end you were so sweet and caring. It had a major plot twist at the start that meant Lily hadn't died, but she had this deadly curse. In this fanfiction, James was the one who died for Harry. You took Lily in to help her and she realised she had feelings for you and it was just the most amazing thing. Way better than Dramione."

"Explain Dramione."

"The shipping name for Draco and Hermione."

"That would never work!" He exclaims.

"I know! I ship Romione."

"Weasley and Granger?"

"Well, they get married in the end, so yeah. It works out."

"What about Potter?"

"Well, the Potter men do have a thing for redheads."


"Next year."

"What?! That's not fair!"

"You'll realise it the second McGonagall calls out her name. You can't miss the trademark."


"Never mind, you can wait for a month or two."

"No I can't."

"You can and you will!" I cackle evilly and he turns my hair black.

"Tell me and I'll turn it back. I know you'll miss your brown hair. Although black looks good."

"If it looks good, I'll keep it."

"Well how about pink?"

"As long as it's not Beiber hair, I'm fine."

"Another future thing?"

"A singer who used to have horrible hair. I think he makes it big in 2010. That's also when his hairstyle rocked. But now nobody likes him except crazy people."


"It's a time thing, Severus. You know that. I can't help my mixing up of stuff. It's kind of hard growing up in my parents' generation when I was born in the future."

"I know. I apologise."

I run around singing Apologise by OneRepublic and stop. Then I have to explain that it's just a song and it's not like the whole 'Lily is a mudblood' thing.

For the rest of the day he teaches me spells I will learn this year. Or next. Whichever it is.

We join Dumbledore and Hazel for dinner, as well as McGonagall, who stays here over summer as well.

After dinner we all head off to bed.


So how many chapters did I do today?

Whatever number it is, it's more than usual.

QOTC: how soft do you think Snape is? Is he softer than a marshmallow? Or is he harder than a rock?

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