65. Movies

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When I get back to our compartment, George and Lee are having a conversation so I go off to find Tonks. She's in her own little compartment, staring out the window. I knock on the door and go in quietly.

"Hey, Tonks."

"Wotcher, Isabelle." She says half-heartedly.

I sit down next to her and rub her back. "You'll be fine. Trust me, I know."

"I don't know if I can move on..."

"Good. I ship it too hard for that to happen." Tonks glances over at me.

"What's shipping?"

"Supporting a relationship. You and Remus would be too cute."

"But it won't happen. He said so." She looks down at her feet.

"You don't know that. Maybe he could come around. You know, make it up to you. You never know."

"Thanks, Belle. I thought you'd be with George."

"You need me more than he does. I think. It's girl time now. Okay?"


Hazel comes in with a chorus, then walks out like nothing happened.

"That was strange." Says Tonks. "What's up with her?"

"Screamo. A kind of music."

"I see where they got the name."

I laugh. "Yup. How's Mrs Weasley?"

"She's fine. How's Harry going? Sirius's death must have hit him hard."

"You have no idea. I haven't seen him yet, but I know how he feels."

"What's it like? Being transported back in time and meeting people you thought were just characters?"

"Okay, so I met Rita first. I didn't believe it until the next morning, when the mirror in The Leaky Cauldron started talking to me. Then it was fun hanging with Dumbledore. Next I met the Weasleys, which was nice. I loved staying in the burrow. Then I just gradually met everybody else and it became normal to meet you guys."

"So you're going all spy to help us?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't work for Mouldy Voldy if I didn't have to. He's way too creepy."

"What does he look like? I haven't seen him yet."

"No nose, pale skin, bald, ugly. He's got these really icky fingernails as well."

"Ew. I'm glad I haven't had the experience of meeting him. Why does he have no nose?"

"I don't know. I used to say he ran into the wrong wall at the train station or something."

She laughs. "That would be funny. I'd pay to see that."

For the rest of the train ride, we chat about anything and everything. I'm glad I can keep her mind off Lupin. Soon, the train stops and I stand up to get my bags.

"He's with the Slytherins, by the way." I say as I walk out the door to leave. Once I get my bags, I say goodbye to George and join Hazel and Em in the carriages. When we get to the gates, our bags are checked and we head to the castle.

I get a glimpse of Hermione and she looks really worried that Harry isn't there. Ron just looks hungry.


After Dumbledore has said his stuff and dinner is finished, we head into the dorms and unpack, then fall asleep.


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