23. Use the hat, dear boy.

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After the whole 'push Lockhart down the pipe' thing I get in as well, halfway down the pipe I take off the charm. I'll probably help Ron with making a hole to get Harry and Ginny back through.

I slip silently out of the end and watch the memory charm scene from the shadows. After the part of the cave collapses I show myself.

"Watch it people. At least give Voldy the chance to kill Harry. He has been waiting all year, after all." I say.

"Is Voldemort in there?" Asks Harry from the other side.

"What? Not surprised I'm here?"

"Well, Hazel joined us last time and helped quite a bit so I figured one of you would follow us this year."

"Well, in answer to your question, I guess. In a way. It's not like you'll die or anything. Voldy would want a more fun death for you. After all, if he just told everyone he killed you in there, people might not believe it until he produced a body. Don't worry, Harry. I can tell you're freaking out at the last part. You and Ginny will be fine unless my presence has just doomed this mission. Just use the hat ASAP."

"What hat?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Okay. Help Ron clear a hole in this rubble while I'm gone. See you guys soon. I hope." He mutters the last part. Only I can hear him.

"Bloody hell. We'll never get a big enough hole. My wand's completely busted."

"Your wand. Not mine." I take mine out as Ron starts lifting some smaller rocks, while I levitate the big ones out of the way. Soon, we have a hole big enough for a large bird carrying a hat.

How convenient, because that's the sight we are greeted with.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?"

"That's the hat, Ron."

"What, the sorting hat?!"

"Duh." I roll my eyes and nearly drop a big rock on Lockhart's head.

"So what am I like?" Asks Lockhart suddenly.

"Well, you're extremely arrogant. We'd like it if you didn't parade your fame around. And..." I decide to have a bit of fun. "There's this woman called Rita Skeeter. Ron's heard of her, haven't you Ron?"

"Um... Yeah, of course."

"Is she pretty?" Asks Lockhart.

I wink at Ron playfully. "Oh, she's the most beautiful woman on the planet. She can even write. And she writes very well. She's perfect for you."

Lockhart perks up and I exchange eye contact with Ron. He comes a bit closer.

"It's not true, is it? He never actually liked her, did he?" He whispers.

"I'm not sure, but he does now." I giggle and go back to levitating. Eventually we sit down and admire the nice, big hole we made.


"I think he wants us to grab on." Says Harry, looking at Fawkes. He's just come back safely with Ginny. Unfortunately, there's not enough room for me to grab the tail so I grab some random person's foot and try not to fall off.

While Harry and Ron are getting their awards I have to go see Madame Pomfrey with everyone else. Luckily, I'm not injured so I just have to get checked and leave. Instead of leaving, though, I sit with Hermione.

"Thanks Hermione. For everything. If you can hear me then you'll know what I mean."

Sadly, she doesn't move. What was I expecting, anyway? For her to miraculously wake up because I said thanks?

I sigh and walk out. I guess this year went by pretty quickly.

I creep back to my dorm and take a quick shower before going to bed.


I just realised I've never said anything about showering.


I also wrote most of this in the dark, since we had a blackout and I was bored.

QOTC: Potter Puppet Pals or AVPM, AVPS, and AVPSY?

For me it's the musicals.

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