5. I dont like Red Vines

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I decide to meet up with the boys and Hazel. I can pull Hazel aside and tell her how well everything turned out.

He didn't say no!

I thought he would be all depressed about life and would be glad that his death was near. I skip all the way to the Gryffindor common room. The fat lady reluctantly let's me in after I say 'Caput Draconis'.

"Who told you the password?" Asks Ron.

"I told myself, dummy."

He scoffs and goes back to his homework. At least he wasn't dumb enough to insult me. That would mean war.

"Hey Ron?"

He grunts. I take it as a 'go away' but I carry on talking.

"What exactly do you have against me?"

"The Won Won thing."

"Good. Don't date Lavender Brown and I promise you will never get called that again."

He scoffs again and returns to his homework. I decide to go catch up with Hazel. I manage to bump into her as I step out of the portrait hole.

"I did it!" I squeal. "He'll do it. I think... He didn't exactly say no but it's a start."

We celebrate by jumping around the castle and high fiving every person we see. Then we decide to visit the house elves and ask them a favour.

"What would the misses like?" They all squeak in unison. I wish I had my phone here so I could get them on video.

"We noticed you don't serve Redvines at desert time..." Hazel begins.

"We want to celebrate something amazing that happened today and we thought Redvines would be perfect." I finish. Let's face it though, Redvines are disgusting.

"We has a stash of them! We is keeping them away from the Weasley twins! We is getting them out for tonight!"

We thank them and leave, after hugging all of them. Quite a lot cry from happiness actually. Then we run around a bit more until it's dark and I have to go do homework in the Slytherin Common Room. Now that I have Snape's partial trust I don't want this house.

I don't belong here.

Once I finish my homework I go straight to bed. Nobody has had the nerve to talk to me anymore because I just happen to know the stunning spell... I also know how to do the unforgivable curses because Bellatrix gave Harry a lesson on that in Order Of the Phoenix. Right after the part where we save Sirius's life.

Stupid Bellatrix, that's your cousin!

I drift off into a dreamless sleep...


I wake up and go to classes. Nothing unusual happens. Just the same old 'it's Harry Potter' thing. Since it's Wednesday, I have Potions with Snape. It's the last class I have for the day.

"Miss Morgan, please stay behind, I need to talk to you about something."

I pretend to look nervous, just to humour the Gryffindors, but inside I am excited. What does he want? It's definitely something to do with the reason I'm here. Why else would he ask for me?

I wait behind after class and Snape closes the door.

"First things first: I know it was you who planned the Redvines. You were so happy when I said I'd do it that you got the house elves to serve us all treats."


"Just because you know everything about me doesn't mean that I don't know the sort of things you would do if you got something your way."

I chuckle to myself. He definitely knows me.

"I also wanted to ask when it would be suitable to meet. You seem to know about people. You could... Merlin's beard... Help me."

"Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That's every second day, and the weekend off. I'll do my best."

"Ok then. I have a meeting with the other staff today so come to see me on Friday. Now off you go."

He waves me off and... Wait. Did I see a small smile? From Snape? I'm probably just imagining it.

"Okay. See you on Friday, Snape."

I walk out and back to the common room. I walk straight through until I get to my dorm. I decide to do my homework in there from now on, since everyone else is in the common room. I fall asleep as soon as I finish.


Today's is a short chapter

I literally slept for most of the day :/

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