"Time for your son to come out now. Come on Mrs. Dragion. You're doing amazing! Keep pushing." He says encouragingly

I take deep breaths and push on the next contraction. I push and push and groan loudly.

"Your doing wonderfully. Keep going. I feel him in the birth canal." The doctor says

"Come on honey. You can do it. Keep going." Natsu says encouragingly making me smile.

I feel another contraction and push and feel the head pop out.

"Wonderful! The head is already out. Now one more big push and you'll have both your babies!" The doctor says enthusiastically as he suctions the nose and mouth

"Wonderful. This is almost over." I groan and feel another contraction. "Damn it!" I yell and push with all my strength and feel the baby slide out.

"There we are! Here's your son! Come on and cut the cord again dad." He says happily and Natsu rushes over with a big smile on his face and cuts the cord.

"He has pink hair to." Natsu says amusingly and comes back over to me and kisses me softly.

"I knew they would." I tell him softly and take deep breaths. I start to feel faint. "Natsu. I feel faint." I tell him before I pass out.

Natsu's POV
"Y/N!" I shout when she passes out.

"It's ok son. It happens a lot. She's just really tired and weak. She will be ok. I promise. Just let her rest." The doctor says calmly and reassuringly

I just glare at him for a minute then relax. I look at Y/N and see her still breathing and breathing softly like she was asleep.

"She did amazingly like I knew she would. I can tell you take really good care of her. This was one of the easiest deliveries I've done in a long time. Everything went smoothly like I knew it would." He says with a smile as he pulls the placenta out since Y/N passed out before she could push it out.

"Thanks. I do try my best to take care of her. She's everything to me. I was so scared I'd lose her because of a complication with the pregnancy."

"Yet here we are. You have two beautiful babies and your wife is asleep and will be just fine in a few hours." He says calmly and hands the nurse the placenta.

"Expect the best but prepare for the worst." I sigh

"Exactly. And I know that's what you guys did." He says and I nod. "Go say hi to your babies." He says with a smile.

I smile and go look at my new born babies. Both looking as pink as their hair and absolutely adorable. I can't help but smile as I look at them they are both asleep and looking like little pink angels. I take pictures and send them to my dad, Levy and Miss Krystal. They all reply immediately and ask how Y/N is and I tell them all she's fine and she's asleep. They all said they are coming tomorrow to visit. I look at the time and see it's now midnight.

"Let's get you guys to a room so you can rest. I can put the babies in the nursery for a few hours so you can sleep as well." The nurse says and I nod and smile. "Come on then. Let's go to your room." She says sweetly and has another nurse adjust Y/N and then starts moving Y/N's bed. I follow them down the hall to a room that has a fairly large chair in it.
"The chair converts to a bed. I'll bring you a blanket and pillow." She says and leaves the room.

She returns a minute later with a pillow and blanket and shows me how to convert the chair to a bed. Once it's set up I go to Y/N and check on her. She's still asleep and looking rather peaceful. I go lay down and keep her in my sight. I can't help but smile knowing she's ok and I'm now a father of two adorable babies.

Time skip
The next morning I wake up to Y/N groaning.

"You ok Y/N?" I ask sleepily

"Yeah. Just hurting still. How's the babies?"

"They're fine. They're asleep in the nursery since we both needed rest." I tell her as I get up

"I want to see them." She says weakly

"First let's get you some food. You haven't eaten in well over 24 hours." I tell her and she nods. She pushes the button for the nurse and one comes in.

"Good to see you awake my dear. How are you feeling?" Another sweet old lady asks

"I feel ok. Just hurting still and hungry." She says.

"I'll bring in the doctor and once he examines you I'll get you some food and some pain medicine."

"I'd like to see my babies as well."

"Of course my dear. I'll bring them in. They are beautiful by the way. I know they're yours because they are the only ones with pink hair and they look just like their dad." She giggles and Natsu smiles brightly.

"I've missed that smile so much Natsu. I'm happy to see it again."

"I'm happy to be able to smile again and not worry." I reply and kiss her softly

"Well don't you guys look happy!" The doctor chuckles as he walks in. He examines Y/N and smiles. "You look well and everything looks fine."
Just then the nurse brings the babies in and Y/N gasps and smiles and gets teary eyed. "Without a doubt the cutest and most adorable babies I've ever delivered." The doctor smiles "Have you thought of names?"

"Oh the boy is most definitely a junior because he looks and most likely will be exactly like his dad."
Y/N giggles and I blush.

"And the girl?" I ask curiously

"She reminds me of a rose. A beautiful pink rose that's soft and delicate but will most likely have thorns when she grows up. So why not Rose?" 

"I agree completely." I smile.

I pick up Rose and hand her to Y/N and then pick up Junior and hand him to her as well. She has a baby in each arm and looked so happy. I stepped back and took a picture. Just then her food comes in so I take the babies back and put Rose in the bassinet and hold Junior while she eats.

"You can breast feed Y/N. The doctor doesn't have you on any strong medications so it's safe." The nurse says and Y/N smiles.

"I'll do that after I eat." She replies and then we hear noise at the door.

"Hey!" I shout happily as I see my dad and Levy with Gajeel and Miss Krystal with Wendy appear at the door. "Come on in. Dad gets the honors first since he's grandpa now." I say with a hug smile.

"Who's this?" My dad asks with a big smile as he holds the baby

"This is Natsu Jr. since he's just like me." I smile and everyone laughs a bit. "Right here is Rose since she's so soft and pink like a rose." I tell them and they all go "aaawww."

"Me next!" Miss Krystal squeals so my dad hands her Junior and I hand him Rose.

"I'm next!" Levy pouts and Y/N laughs along with Gajeel.

"You want to be next shorty? We will be married soon so you will be next for a baby." Gajeel says and Levy blushes bright red making us laugh.

After everyone has held the babies we talked for a bit until they started crying then Y/N shooed them out for a while so she can try breastfeeding. She had the nurse help and ended up feeding both of them at the same time. I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face as I watched her feed our babies. Everything turned out perfectly in the end.

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now