(I know the song doesn't fit the mood sssh.)

I didn't expect this from him, my mouth hung open in surprise, using his body in a way that it looked like he didn't even use strength to do anything, like she was lighter then air, it was not something I await from him, he was not the type that I'd see doing something like this.

"well damn I never thought a nut brain like you would ever be able to do such thing." I said as he proudly struts over to us and sat down again.

"I can do more than you can imagine redhead."

"Yeah I just saw that idiot." we watched on and we even saw the queen do something, calling different sorts of birds to her with a different song she whistled.

"Come on Custos."

"Why me?"

"Are you scared?"

"You wish Amata."

"Then why won't you go you must be scared."

"I'm not, look I'm even going right now." I smirked but raised an eyebrow as she picked up a stringed instrument I think is called a guitar? not sure... Since when can she play an instrument??? Well she did say we'd be surprised and boy was I.

(The video I originally used for Fortis and Custos got deleted :( )

"Since when can you play an instrument and sing?!" I asked her as she sat back down.

"Since I prepared for this."

"So you learned all that in such short time?"

"Yeah but only this, I don't know how to do anything else so don't ask me." I watched a few before working up enough courage to even look up and what I've written, I gulped and tightened my hold upon my notebook before sighing, I guess it's my turn. 

The silence was heavier than for my two friends, after all... I was the daughter of the goddess, everyone wanted to know what I had made for my own mother's festival. I gulped silently as I flipped the pages to the start of what I made.

"Tale of the Moon...

A long while ago, lost to texts unknown,
In an island covered world,
After some time, a continent made itself known
And quick traveled the word.

Trees and rivers covered the land,
The soil was fertile.
The races ruled in peace over the land
But in the end, all was futile.

The people went around the land,
Taking dirt and water for themselves,
Not knowing it would lead to the end,
The end of peace itself.

As not all wished to fight,
They ran from their homes,
Travelling in the night,
To a newly built home.

Traitors they were called
Leaving the staying appalled.

Peace reigned where the traitors' den laid
Despite the price they had all paid.

Wishing for peace, the people prayed to the goddess
And their prays shall be blessed.

The high creator looked upon
The chaos her children brought to the world they own.
On masses prays, she decided to act upon
Not letting this go on anymore without an act of her own.

The goddess gathered her might,
Creating a being above them all.
The child bearing the world's light
And the destiny to end this once and for all.

On a cold autumn day,
A lone wolf traveled a road,
A baby's cry, as faint as it may
Made him turn around slow.

The wolf ran to help the child
But nature was faster
Since to help came the wild
And it was the forest's master.

Trees held the little form,
Leaves shimmering in the wind and light,
The grass was taller than the norm,
And feral animals stood, ready to fight.

The wolf wandered closer,
The beasts pulled to the side,
Next to the baby he saw a specter,
A beautiful woman sat there, looking occupied.

The wolf was lost for words,
The woman was not a mortal being.
She was as he had heard
The mother of all existing.

At his touch the crying ceased
'You are the one chosen' the woman said.
The wolf's new mission was to teach this beast
How life on this world was to be lead.

The wolf was to raise the child as his own,
Her destiny would lead her to travel around and more,
After a while she was to go off on her own
And would come to end the war.

The goddess only asked one thing
That when the time comes
That he would be ready to sever his life string
And let out the last breath from his lungs.

The wolf swore to the goddess,
He would raise this child as his own
And would not fight the end regardless
When the girl had grown.

The child was gifted by a name
She was to be called beloved
A name she could claim
And could be proud of.

As the wolf left with the baby
He glanced behind,
The forest had swallowed all trace of what happened, crazy.
The wolf went on with its new role assigned.

The child grew up with no idea of her destiny,
Living as all wolves do.
When came the dark day to pick up her legacy,
The life of her father was taken out of the blue.

As he took his last breaths,
He told her the truth
And a cold embrace took him, death's,
Leaving her alone with her heart to sooth.

Rain fell upon the fallen warrior
She couldn't trust her eyes,
No one was here to see or hear
That her father just met his demise.

After promising vengeance upon his grave
She set out at night.
That day her destiny started to be paved
And would bring surprise, dark and light.

Her story has just begun
But she won't be done
until the war is gone..."

I left the stage running, a nervous mess but also smiling stupidly... There you go mother and dad, I did it, I hope you both like my gift to you guys... I love you both...

(It took me half an hour to write this poem thingy so I hope you like it like I do)

.The Child Of A Goddess.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora