I Don't Think You'll Ever Wanna Love Me

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"Come on, Rae! Time for school!" My mother called from the top of the steps. I was out of cover up for my scars. Shit. Hopefully she didn't see them. My parents had just gotten divorced over a year ago. My dad passed away during that year with a heart attack, so here I am out in San Diego with my mother. I looked in the mirror. My grey eyes shined a little as I smirked at myself. I wore a t-shirt with black leggings and my black slip on uggs. I wasn't trying to impress today.

"Rae, come on!" She yelled. 

I grabbed my bag, walked downstairs towards the door. "No breakfast?" She asked. I shook my head. "Not hungry. See you later." I walked outside and saw a boy who looked my age. "Are you new here?" He asked walking over to his car. I nodded. "Just moved from New York." He nodded. "Need a ride?" He laughed a little. I looked back at my house and shrugged. "Alright."

"I'm Tony by the way." He pulled out of the drive way. He wasn't hot, but he was adorable looking. "I'm Rae." I pulled out my schedule and asked, "Do you know any of these teachers?" When we got to a red light he told me, "We have all our classes together. We'll get along pretty good." He half smiled at me. Once we got there we both got out. The first class was World History, then Spanish, Gym, Lunch and English 2. Tony got to sit next to me with my first two classes. 

The gym teacher told me I can sit out for a week. Due to the fact I didn't get my medical exam or anything, I sat and watched Tony play soccer with a bunch of guys. Someone walked over to me. He was smiling and he sat next to me. "You're Tony's friend, Rae, aren'tcha?" He asked. I nodded and looked at him. "Who are you?" I laughed a little. "I'm Mike Fuentes. One of Tony's best friends." I nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm Rae." I laughed again. I covered my arms a little by folding them. 

By time lunch came, I sat with Tony and Mike. They also introduced me to two other guys. "This is Jaime, and this is Vic, my brother." Mike told me. Jaime smiled and waved to me, hugging me from across the table. Vic looked up and back down at his notebook. Well, that was rude. But he was really cute. Out of the four I met, he was the cutest. His eyes were chocolate brown and his hair was straight, but it was almost close to his shoulders. 

I shook my head to snap back to the others attention. "Are you hungry, Rae?" Tony asked getting up. I shook my head. I took out a water bottle and sipped from it. I felt Vic looking as I looked over at him. His eyes  quickly went back to the notebook as I sat there in silence. Tony shrugged and walked off to get food. "So you live next to Tony? I live like across the street from him." Mike told me. Great, that means Vic did too. "That's awesome." I smirked at him. He couldn't tell I was forcing it. "I live around the corner." Jaime added. I looked over to him and smiled. "Well then we should all chill sometime, I guess." I shrugged. "Stop trying to hang out with so many guys, you're acting like a hoe." I turned look at Vic facing me. My face dropped and I replied, "I don't see how?" He smirked at my sadness. "Well, you're gonna turn into every girl in this school- a slut." 

I shut my eyes trying to hold the tears back. "I didn't even do anything to you." I told him. "Vic, stop being an ass." Mike told him. "Well you're starting to get on my nerves. Why don't you just leave? Or are you going to continue being a slut? " That's when I got up and dashed out of the lunch room, ignoring the calls of Mike, Jaime and Tony. I felt hot tears fall down my cheeks as I heard someone chasing me. i ran to my locker and slid down on the ground. "Hey, stop crying please." It was Jaime. My eye vision was blurry as I felt his arm wrap around my back. I felt him move my arm as I snatched it and jumped up. "Stop! Don't look at that!" I snapped at him. He got up and looked at me. "I-I-I'm sorry." He stepped back and couldn't stop looking. "Don't tell anyone." I wiped the tear off my face. 

"I won't... But why?" You could see the concern in his eyes as I peeped over his shoulder and saw Vic. "People like him." I muttered. He turned around and saw Vic. "Trying to make out with Jaime? Are you seriously looking for attention?" Vic laughed. I didn't move. I heard my name being called by Jaime and he kept snapping, but all I did was stare at Vic. I grabbed my books and my bag as I heard the bell ring. I walked on my own to English 2. 

What was wrong with me?

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