Chapter 39: This is for New York

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Tasha let out a deep sigh as she stood in the once lavish garden. Ever since she had returned to Asgard, the plant life became more dull with each passing glance. It was as though the life was being sucked from everything around her the longer she was away from Loki.

How long had it been? Weeks? A month perhaps? All Tasha felt was pain when she thought of her lover, being locked away in a cell due to his own selfish desires. She cursed the day she allowed herself to believe Loki's lies.

"I remember the day Odin found you in that forest."

Tasha clenched her teeth at the voice, soft footsteps moving until they stood beside the young girl. "Mother—"

"Hush, child." Frigga rested her hand on her daughters arm. "I know you miss Loki."

"Miss?" Tasha scoffed. "I don't wish to be within sniffing distance of him."

"You're hurt. I understand —"

"You don't understand anything!" Tasha snapped, shoving her mother's hand away.

"It's selfish for me to ask this of you." Frigga admitted with a frown. "But Loki needs you. I fear without you by his side, he will never get better."

"Get better?! Mother, Loki is... is a monster!" She yelled as tears came to her eyes. "Please do not ask this of me. Please, mother."

"I will not ask of you, my daughter. But the longer you stray from him, the worse you yourself will become. Your beings are bound, heart, mind and souls."

"If he has any of that." Tasha mumbled bitterly.

"All I ask, is that you see him once."

"The last time I tried to see him he screamed at me. I..." Tasha sighed. "What would you have me do?"


Tasha tried to push away all feelings as she stepped into the cellblock. A deep sigh left her lips as she entered Loki's cell, who was standing with his back to her.

"Mother wanted me to bring you these." She set down the three books on a small table, her eyes cautiously examining the small room. Everything was in proper order, surprising since the last time she was there he had broke everything. She looked at the books she had brought, smiling slightly when she saw they were her favorites. "You hate these."

"You don't." Loki said quietly, not turning to her.

A sigh left her lips. "I hear you every night." Tasha said sadly as she stood by the glass. "I hear you call to me." She laughed sadly. "And no matter how hard I try, I find myself calling to you. Praying that it was all a terrible dream and that I'll wake up and things will be back to normal... but it wasn't a dream, was it?"

"I shouldn't have included you." Loki said as he turned to look at his lover.

"Included me? That's what you call it?" Tasha turned to look at him and felt her heart break. His blue green eyes were so distant. It was as though he were already dead and gone.

"My love—"

"Do you know what happened? When you used the tesseract on me? Huh?"

Loki was silent as he averted his gaze.

"I had no control of my body as you used me to do your own bidding. You manipulated me. You — you made me kill dozens of people without a second thought."

"I did what I had to do." Loki replied.

"What you—? What you had to do?!" Tasha glared. "Please explain to me how controlling me was a necessity?!"

"You were ruining everything! I had to keep you safe—"

"The only thing I needed protection from was you." Tasha spat.

"Please, let me—" Loki reached for her arm, but she immediately shoved him away.

"Don't you dare touch me."

"Let me explain—"

"You've had your chance to explain. I'm not here for you. I'm here for mother." She lied, her heart breaking as she felt her entire being yearn to be close to him.

"Tasha, please." Loki begged, grasping onto her wrists gently.

"How could you do that to me?" Tasha asked as the tears finally fell from her face. Her green eyes looked up into his as her heart broke. "Why couldn't you just come home?!"

"I'm sorry!" Loki stroked her cheek. "My love, I'm so sorry I hurt you. Please don't leave me."

He is dangerous. He will hurt you. He will break you. He will be your doom. Your love doesn't matter. Your feelings doesn't matter. He will be your death if you stay with him.

As much as she tried to fight it, she found herself relishing in his cold body as Loki pulled her to him. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she felt his lips on her forehead, cheek, and jaw before he pulled her to the bed. He laid with her atop him, his hands caressing her back as she tried to forget all the horrible things he had done.

The tears came to a halt as she laid quietly with her head on his chest, her heart still compared to the racing it had done earlier. She felt content, a sick, dark feeling consuming her but instead was shoved down deep and replaced by hope.

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.

What a stupid lamb.

What a sick, masochistic lion.


A/N: Hey! This chapter is depression central lol. Please leave any ideas for Tasha x Loki! Can be flashback scenes or current story or future scenes!! Let me know :) angst, smut, fluff, etc any ideas are appreciated.

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