Seeing Stars

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Eliza POV

        I sat quietly against my log, awaiting Stephen to finish the serum that could possibly let me see the world again. My arms were happily folded behind my head in a new-found sense of joy and relaxation. I couldn't wait to see what this rip in the space-time continuum looks like. Plus, ever since I've heard Stephen's voice, I've been trying to picture him in my mind. However, picturing what he looks like is a lot harder than it sounds; his voice sounds like it wants to be gravely yet it almost sounds like it could be smooth. I can't quite explain it.

        Let's say it like this: his voice sounds like it's started to age yet it sounds young. It's a medium-low pitch that could be easily lowered by dragging it along an all-gravel road.

        Not only is it hard to explain, but it's also hard to tell what his age is from it. I suppose you can't do that with some people, but it was worth a try to think about it. Right? Are you judging me? Quit it.

        "Okay, fifteen minutes and this'll be done..." Stephen muttered to himself.

        "This is instant - poof - 'I can see' stuff, right?" I asked eagerly.

        "No, this takes a few hours. I'm not too sure how many, so after I administer it to you, we're hittin' the hay." Not exactly the response I wanted, but winners can't be choosers. I'm lucky enough to be here with another human being. I should be grateful that he knows how do this magical whatnot, and I am. I don't care how long that thing takes; I hate being a blind rat.

        When I asked Stephen about how he knew what he was doing, he responded by saying: "If you live in Gravity Falls out of all places, you gotta know some magic. I used to have a spell book this shady lady in green gave to me. She was pretty young and well, pretty, but I was a married man then. I still am but... What were we talking about?" I couldn't help but laugh. He was awkward, kind of like Dipper. Dipper is a lot more awkward than Stephen, though; Dipper has only had twelve years to be awkward while Stephen has had who knows how many, so he might be well experienced with his awkwardness.


        I curled myself back into my little ball, now feeling depressed. I could only wish Dipper and the others the best; It was up to them to take Bill down and possibly rescue Stephen and me. Maybe I'm not much help, but when you stick Dipwad and me together, there is no stopping us. We're like a power house running on mysteries and puzzles! And then there's Mabel: she's a great person and definitely the best comic relief you could ask for, even when you don't want it! Plus, when she gets serious, she runs along just like her brother; thinking hard and solving crime! Well, not "crime" necessarily, but whatever.

        Stephen must have noticed my new mood; he attempted to cheer me up by pulling the hat on my head down by the bill. And, to say the least, it worked. I immediately smiled and playfully reacted with a laughing, "Hey." 

        "What's got'cha so down all of the sudden?" he then asked, satisfied with my reaction. I fiddled with Dipper's hat, now in my hands, before answering. Before I could say a thing, however, Stephen pointed out my headband: "Why on Earth are you wearing a headband under a hat?"

        "Well, for one thing, this isn't my hat. I kinda swiped it from my friend before this all happened. Second, you kind of remind me of him," I admitted, still trying to pick a hair out of the little center button on top of the hat.

        "Oh, I see..."

        "I don't," I fired back before breaking out in laughter at my own joke. I'm sure that had earned me an eye roll from Stephen.

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