Mirror, Mirror

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Eliza POV

        I tried to get into his mind while he slept, I tried to get his attention in that mirror, I threw dirt on him, I screamed at him- I tried everything to get Dipper's attention, but nothing got through his freaking skull! When he heard me speaking the first time, I thought I had beaten Bill at his own game, but...I was wrong. There's no telling what went through Dipper's head when he was processing my voice. I know it wasn't to my advantage, though. It seemed like he had just shrugged it off.

        I watched him for hours as he read through what was apparently Stephen's spell book. At one point, Dipper broke into a hardwired search through the pages. He muttered to himself, some words unidentifiable as he spoke too quickly. What I did catch was: "I can save Eliza. I can save Grandpa. I can take down Bill." He paced back and forth, flipping through the pages quite viciously and continuing his obsessive muttering.

        "Yeah, sure, you do that," I said as I floated away from him and planted myself in a spot I could watch him pace in. This place was right in front of that broken mirror I tried to catch Dipwad's attention in. As he walked to and fro through the dirt, I sighed a bored breath. There was nothing I could do to help, to get his attention, or to do anything at all. So, I fell onto the ground, careful not to phase through it. "This is gonna be sooo boring. Dipper! Dipper, do something interesting!"

        There was, of course, no response, and he went on his merry way.

        I groaned and turned my head towards the mirror. The braid Mabel had woven my hair into was a horrible mess, even under Dipper's hat. I threw the hat into the air, allowing it to float without me. In a matter of seconds, I had the braid completely undone. It had made my hair wavy and slightly curvy, which was a style I wasn't too fond of- not on me, at least. I slipped my headband off and did a few quick head bangs as if I was at a rock concert. I flattened my hair down with some salivia, running my fingers though the orange strands, getting it to be as normal as I could get it. As I replaced my headband, I looked in the mirror once more. Looking at my reflection, I discovered something odd: I wasn't wearing one of Mabel's neon or pastel t-shirts I had expected I was. I floated upwards, pulling down on the dull orange shirt that hung on my body. It was...one of Dipper's shirts...

        "Aw... This is weird and I like it." My eyes darted over to where Dipper paced, and I released my grip on the shirt. I narrowed my brow and pointed at him: "You didn't hear that. Dweeb." I crossed my arms and smiled warml-

        "But I did! Ha! My boat is coming along quite nicely!" This no longer surprises me. I shlumped my shoulders forward and eyed the mirror again. There was that triangle, watching me from the what was supposed to be a reflective surface.

        "Don't you have world domination to plan for or something?" I sighed as I reeled Dipper's hat back into my hand and placed on my head.

        "Eenngh, it's a process."

        "Of course it is."

        "Now, let's talk about your relation-boat, here."



        "It's a ship, not a boat. If you're gonna say it, say it right, please."

        "Haha! Thanks for the correction there, Elizama, but I like 'boat' better. Those seem safer than the larger aquatic transportation units you call ships. You meat-bags need to get your stuff together: 'it's unsinkable,' 'we're not that close to the shore,' 'yeah, we've got enough power.' You creatures are full of so many flaws and plain stupidity. Heh. That's why I'm a demon- I'm perfect!" That statement couldn't go without an eye-roll from yours truly. "Now, I hope you've figured out what's happened by now."

Symbols ~A Gravity Falls Fanfic~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora