Stuff Happens

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Dipper POV

        "I can't believe Stan actually locked us in here!" I complained once more as I paced back and forth between our beds.

        "I know... And even after everything I said!" Mabel replied, placing her pillow over her face. She had put up a pretty good fight with Stan over letting us help him right up to the point when he brought up those words. I knew it would have been better to assist our grunkle in the search for Eliza, but I was no match for him after that.

        I looked out the triangular window that was placed between our beds, ceasing my pacing. The sky had grown a deep orange with hints of pink and red. Sunset seemed to have come quicker than it had any other time during the summer. Perhaps the entire situation was the cause of everything... It was eleven-thirty when we arrived back at the Shack and now it's a quarter to seven. We've been in here for about six or seven hours now...

        Soos and Grunkle Stan have been gone for too long for my liking. The worst part is that we have absolutely no way of contacting them! This is just terrible!

        "Dipper!" a familiar voice whispered from outside the window, wreaking my train of thought. "Dipper, you there?"

        I ran to the window, shoving things off the nightstand to stand on it and flinging the glass open. There, about eleven feet below the window, stood a large brown mass. Upon a closer inspection, I discovered the mass was none other than my old pal, the Multi-Bear! All of his heads looked up at me, making focusing on him a little difficult.

        "Ah, Dipper! See guys, I told you we were following the right scent!" the speaking head said to the others. "Dipper, I believe we found someone that knows you," he then explained.

        "What the heck is that thing?!" Mabel screamed, poking her head out of the window.

        I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "The Multi-Bear."

        "The what?"

        "I'll tell you later," I grumbled. My attention was then refocused on the bear below. "What do you mean, 'someone that knows me'?"

        The bear took a few steps back, revealing a girl laying on her back, her eyes closed. It was Eliza! She looked as if she had been through war.

        "We heard her screaming while we were searching for food. The poor thing had been caught up in a fight between the gnomes and the manitours. She had been yelling your name along with a few others for help. So, we figured you may be able to help her," the main head explained as he looked down on Eliza pitifully. "Those manitours are monsters more than they are men..." he then scoffed.

        I was now both panicked and excited. I had to get down there somehow and fast!

        Mabel suddenly nudged me with a smile. In her hand she held her trusty grappling hook. "I've got an idea," she stated proudly in a small voice.

        Her plan was really good in theory, but really bad in safety. I now hung out of the window, gripping the gun of the hook tightly. My heels held me close to the window, acting as my "safety equipment."

        "Mabel, I'm beginning to think this is a bad idea..." I whined, looking down at the idle Multi-Bear and unconscious Eliza.

        "Too bad!" Mabel declared. "Eliza needs our help and I have to pee!" My sister then shoved my feet out of window and pulled the trigger on the grappling hook. I was shot to the ground with incredible force, landing inches away from Eliza, at the feet of the Multi-Bear.

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