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Eliza POV

        Oh, my God. I could die. We could all die! This is insane! How on Earth am I part of this?! I have never, not ever, been this scared in my entire life!

        Can’t we just drop everything and move on?

        No, no, we can’t! Too far, we’ve gone too far! There’s no going back now…

        Oh, here comes the migraine…

        I continued to sit in my little crunched up position, thinking about how everything could go wrong, about how all of our lives could just end. “Maybe we should talk to Stan about this… He is part of this after all,” Mabel’s voice said, worried.

        “No!” Dipper immediately retaliated, causing us to jump. “We-we can’t… If Stan finds out we know about us going behind the vending machine, who knows what’ll he’ll do! We don’t even know why he had the journals or that thing.

        “Well… I… We have to tell him! He's part of this!” Mabel responded.

        “If we tell him, don’t we have to tell everyone else that’s involved?” I spoke up, actually managing to sit up. The twins stared at each other, seeming to be in mental combat.

        Dipper sighed a deep, heavy sigh. "We won't tell anyone," he muttered.

        "Dipper! We have to tell Grunkle Stan!" Mabel unexpectedly yelled, causing multiple bird species to flee from the trees that towered over the tree house. For a twelve year old girl, she's pretty dang loud.

        "Shh, Mabel, keep it down!"

        "Why should I? It's not like the birds are gonna go off and gossip about it somewhere!"

        "Well, no duh! They can't talk!"

        Oh, great, now they're gonna fight!

        "Exactly! So, don't be such a dummy!"

        If I don't stop this... can I just walk away?

        "I'm sorry Little Miss Know-It-All, I didn't know you knew! I thought that maybe you could hear them 'cause you're insane!"

        Yeah, if I just sneak past these two all stealthy-like...

        "Eliza, who's right? Me, right?" Mabel asked, becoming aware of my existence again.

        "Uhh..." I didn't necessarily enjoy picking sides in arguments, but I suppose I have to say something. "Well, the way I see it, we shouldn't tell anyone right now-"

        "Ha!" Dipper butted in, pointing at Mabel in victory.


        "Ha!" Mabel interrupted, believing she was now the victorious one.

        "Come on people, I'm trying to talk here!" I complained. The twins looked at each and then at the floor. "Thank you. We shouldn't tell anyone about this right now, but at some point we have to tell someone. Even if we don't tell anyone, someone will find out about it eventually. With that demon thing after us, I don't see a way we can hide this forever."

        "Sounds good to me," Dipper said with the utmost politeness. "Mabel?" he then asked, smugly.

        I turned my attention to Mabel who was now braiding her long chocolaty hair. She exhaled, pouting slightly. The longer I looked at her, the more I noticed a strange glow in her eyes. It wasn't actually in her eyes though. The yellow, golden glow seemed to be reflecting from somewhere...


        The next thing we knew, Dipper was lodged into the side of a tree. He groaned in pain, his eyes shut tight. A trickle of blood formed under his nose and continued a path down his face until it dripped off his chin.

        "Dipper!" Mabel and I shouted in unison.

        Suddenly, Mabel and I were lifted into the air by the same yellow glow that I had seen only moments ago. A creepy laugh and some footsteps followed our levitation. "Well, well, well. Mabel Pines, what a coincidence," the voice said in a southern draw. I gasped, knowing exactly who it was.

        Gideon Gleeful: not so gleeful.

        As the roof of the tree house peeled back and splintered with the help of that energy, we were slowly lifted higher into the air. From the new altitude, I saw the little brat standing just below us, powder blue suit and all.

        He lowered us down to his level, a good three feet away from himself. Gideon smiled a white smile that almost matched his pale complexion and weird hair. "Thought you got rid of me, huh? You thought wrong. Mabel Pines, you will be my queen, whether you like it or not," he sneered.

        "Not...over my...dead body..." Dipper gasped, recovering from his collision with the tree. Gideon looked up at him, his smile fading.

        "That can be arranged."

        "You'll have to get through me first you little dweeb... No one messes with my friends, " I growled, catching his attention. He almost began laughing until a look of realization painted over his face.

        "YOU! You're that girl that spit in my face! Now, you'll pay," Gideon hissed. I wasn't as scared as should have been like I had been earlier, so I showed him who was boss. Disgusting inhaling and hacking noises escaped my person. I then pursed my lips and spat a green, slimy wad of mucus right on his stupid forehead.

        "Wait, did you want that in cash?" I taunted as the boy wiped off my "gift." His chubby, freckled cheeks ripened to an angry red. Gideon breathed heavily, almost hyperventilating, in pure frustration. I could have sworn he was going to pass out!

        Gideon turned his back to us, mumbling to himself, still furiously wiping my spittle from his brow.

        I looked up at Dipper, still trapped in the tree. He had gotten his left arm free of his imprint in the wood and he was continuing to struggle free. His gaze landed on mine for a split second. "Don't let him get the journals," he mouthed, being careful not to make any actual noise. I nodded and returned my attention back on Gideon as he turned back around.

        "This will not be taken lightly, you rat!" he screamed, pointing at me.

        "No?" I tilted my head, similar to how a confused animal would.

        "No, it will not," Gideon growled, balling his hand into a tight fist. A bright, blinding yellow light emerged from his sleeve and was directed at me. The light hit me hard like a train, sending me flying into the forest. I passed several large pine and birch trees before everything went black.

Symbols ~A Gravity Falls Fanfic~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon