Gone For Now

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Dipper POV

        I watched as Eliza was thrown deeper into the woods and simply disappeared without a sound. My eyes then shot at Gideon, burning with hate.

        Finally, I managed to free myself and I made contact with the ground. I landed hard on a patch of dirt, stumbling at first, but otherwise fine.

        Not thinking, I grabbed a nearby tree branch and charged at the pale, psychotic nine year old. The branch waited behind my head like a bat, wishing to injure the boy. I was, however, stopped dead in my tracks by the same yellow energy that suspended Mabel in midair. The branch was then extracted from my grip as I rose off the ground.

        "Dipper, Dipper, Dipper. What am I ever going to do with you and your violent tendencies?" Gideon asked sarcastically with his southern accent. "Oh well, that's not my job anyway. He will decide what becomes of you."

        "He who? And what'd you do to Eliza?" I demanded.

        "Dipper Pines, I'm afraid you're as stupid as I thought you were," he said simply as he began scaling the ladder to the tree house. "And I did nothing to your little friend; that was all her. If she hadn't disrespected me, she'd still be right there next to my queen." Mabel was silent upon hearing this, similar to how she had been the rest of the time. Something wasn't right.

        "Oh, oh, my word! The Journals! Yes! Yes!" Victorious laughter came from the tree house. Why he wanted the journals so badly baffled me. At some point though, I'm sure he'll explain that to me in a long, obnoxious monologue.

        The three old journals came flying down from what was left of Eliza's tree house, landing on the ground one by one with a solid thump. Gideon then followed the journals in a more gentle manner by descending via ladder. An evil smile grew on his chubby face as he plucked each journal from the ground.

        "Mabel, we'll have to have our dinner date some other time; I'm afraid you'll get in my way if I take you with me. So, do enjoy each other's company," Gideon said as he walked out of the forest.

        "Wait, what'd you do to Eliza?! Where is she?!" I demanded yet again. Gideon only responded with a snarky smile before he dissolved into thin air, leaving a yellow puff of sparkling dust in his wake. I let out an angry huff and shook my head.

        "We...we have to tell Grunkle Stan. He'll know what to do," Mabel said, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks.

        "Mabel, why are you-" I began to ask, concerned.

        "It all my fault!" she cried, her face falling into her hands. "If I hadn't been so loud you wouldn't have gotten hurt and Eliza would still be here!"

        I wiped the blood off of my face, and looked at it on my arm. I wasn't particularly worried about myself, but the fact that Mabel felt so guilty about everything made me worry. Sounds weird, right? Weird or not, that's just how I feel...

        "Mabel, it's not your fault."

        "Yes it is!" she deflected, crying a little more now.

        "No, it's not. Who knows how long Gideon was looking for us, waiting to attack. Were you a little loud? Yeah, of course, but it's in your nature to be loud. Your shouting had nothing to do with what happened. Plus, Eliza's probably just laying somewhere back there in a bush. We keep saying she's gone, but I'm pretty sure she's perfectly fine, a little unconscious, but fine," I reassured my sister. She didn't respond to anything I said, giving me severe anxiety.

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