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Eliza POV

I couldn't remember much after Bill broke through the magic bubble-shield thing Mabel conjured. I was woozy enough to begin with, after all. I guess I passed out due to a general lack of oxygen.

A faint light worked its way into my vision as my eyes opened. Someone with long, fluffy hair leaned over me. Slowly, my eyes focused on the face before me. I was honestly shocked when I saw it was Wendy, but, at the same time, I was...pleased that it was her, I think. It might have just been the excitement of seeing a human being after almost dying (for a second time, might I add), but I don't entirely know nor do I think I ever will know the exact answer. 

"Hey! Sit up! C'mon!" Wendy encouraged. I did so, something crackling behind me, something that sounded internal but whatever it was was on the numb side; and then I coughed for a minute straight like I was a new smoker. "Welcome back to the land of the living!" How was she so level headed during all this? I dumbly smiled at her joke, nonetheless, but still.

Dipper scared the crap out of me by putting his hand on my shoulder. I did not know he was there. "You okay, Eliza?" I nodded and brushed off my shirt to avoid eye-contact (and then I remembered I was wearing one of Dipper's shirts - ha, whoops). "Alright, we have to get to get to the others before Bill finds us," he stated.

"Yeah," Mabel chimed in by my side, spooking me again, "it's better to fight demons in groups." She smiled and stood up, offering me a helping hand. I took it gratefully, and when I stood, I tried to readjust my bothersome wings, a sharp, burning pain spread throughout my wings and into my back. I yelped as they involuntarily twitched in agony. I slapped my hands over my mouth, fearing Bill had heard me.

"We're a pretty good distance from Bill, don't worry." Dipper approached me. "Are you hurt? What's wrong?" I took a step back from him, and when I noticed how close I was to Mabel, I backed away from her, too.

I shook my head, soon regretting it after becoming dizzy. "I'm pretty sure my wings are kinda broken," I paused for a horrid muscle spasm that brought tears to my eyes, "a lot."

Mabel placed a caring hand on my shoulder and looked onto her brother. He shook his head and there was a moment of distress in his eyes. "Stephen can heal you when we regroup."

At that moment, I had the best joke but I was in too much pain to crack it. But you're Stephen. Eh, it was funny when I thought of it, at least.


"Kids!" Stan shouted once we appeared in an old convince store. He ran to Dipper and Mabel and hugged them tightly. "You bunch a rascals, nearly giving your grunkle a heart attack!"

"Eliza!" Mom ran to me and wrapped her arms around me, unintentionally and unknowingly applying pressure to the broken bones in my wings. I yelped and pushed her away before Dad could join in on the hug. "Sweetheart, are you hurt?" I nodded and hugged myself, tears from the pain making their way down my face. I shook slightly, the pain becoming overwhelming. I tried to wrap my tail around my waist, but it was stiff under me, its fur slowly standing on end.

"Grandpa, you've got to heal her!" Mabel insisted once Stan let the twins breathe.

Stephen approached me to get a better look at my wings, but in a sudden moment of fear, he seemed to tower over me with hands outstretched to hurt me. I instinctively hissed at him. Stephen lowered his hands, showing me he met no harm, but I couldn't let my guard down. I was in so much pain, I didn't want another person to so much as lay a finger on me.

"You want help, kid? Then stay still," Stan remarked. He was leaning nonchalantly against a wall of freezers now with Dipper pacing in front of him.

"Stanford, she's hurt...and she's not technically human," Stephen said, taking a step closer to me. He put his hands up and offered me a smile. Behind him stood my parents, holding one another and watching me with pity.

My father spoke up: "If there's one thing I've noticed since we've been here, we do tend to act more on animal instincts than you do."

I felt cornered. My vision pulsated and I wasn't sure what anything was anymore. Something in the room moved in my direction again, and I let out a low growl from my throat. 

Someone said something and I kept my ground. No one was going to touch me. No one.

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