Trippy Dippy

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Eliza POV

Death. Who would've guessed it. And I was mauled by a dino-bird, nonetheless.

It was cold in death, like I was put in a fridge to chill. For a long time, I thought that was it; Lost forever in the dark in a creepily self-aware conscience. I felt empty in a way. Perhaps it would be better explained as feeling...unanchored. I had no body, no free will, nor ability to do anything. I was nothing more than a lost spirit, I suppose.

I was imprisoned in a spookily self-aware state by nothing, left to reflect on every memory I had ever come to collect. Not every reflection was a paradise but each one told a story of better times. Even being run out of states was considerably much more enjoyable than death. Throughout the last few years, I had lost many friends I could never reconnect with - - the Pines included. Maybe if I was lucky, I could meet Stephen somewhere in the desolate afterlife.

Until I could meet anyone again, I had to look back on everything, see where I went wrong in life. If I had any chances of reincarnation, I wasn't about to mess anything up a second or third time. I especially had to look back on how I treated people; I was an angry 12 year old.

Sierra Zoey? I shouldn't have punched her in the face. True, it was out of panic, but still...I broke her nose. That was too far.

That kid with the bike? I didn't know him but I treated him like garbage.

Gideon? I have nothing to say about him, nothing nice, at least.

Mabel? I shouldn't have called her psychotic when I met her. She was just trying to help Dipper in her own way. She could have toned it down a bit, but...ya know.

Dipper. I definitely could have been nicer to him. He was my first friend in Gravity Falls. I forced him to do a video for ViewTube, and I never posted it or made another one. And, you know what, since I'm dead, I'll admit it: he was cute and I liked him. Mabel, Stan, Soos, and even Bill had every right to poke at us.

And...Stephen. "Nicer" doesn't even begin to say how much better I could have treated him.


His voice still lingered in my mind.


It kept repeating itself, getting louder each time.


Why did he have to haunt my mind?! Did he think I was the one who killed him?!


Something came over me in a silent burst: a heavy physical pressure. Suddenly, I could feel my body again. I tried to wiggle my toes but that fuzzy-television-snow-static-pins-and-needles buzz had me completely paralyzed. All I could do was open my eyes and blink.

Upon opening my eyes, I saw a shining silver circle above me. Etched into the metallic-looking surface was my Llama symbol. It shined down on me in a blue outline.

I dropped.

"Eliza, hey! Oh, thank goodness. You won't be able to move for a bit, but you're fine!" Stephen yelled from a somewhat far distance. I could almost see him but my nose was in the way. "I just... D-don't freak out when you sit up! You're fine!" I still couldn't budge.

"She's not fine! Who ya tryin'a kid?" Gideon.

"Oh, man! What happened to her?!" The guy we stole the bike from? "She-she's covered in- -"

"Robbie, just relax. Remember what we talked about," Stephen said calmingly.

"R-right. Getting scared only empowers him," Robbie muttered.

Symbols ~A Gravity Falls Fanfic~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz