More Stuff Happens

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Dipper POV

        We plummeted towards the Earth, completely subject to its gravity. There was nothing that could save us, not even Mabel's grappling hook. I felt like even if we did survive the fall, we wouldn't last very long. With Bill's wheel and danger lurking around every corner, I don't know how long we would live anyway.

        After I had given up all hope, everything began to slow down. It was like one of those slow motion scenes from a movie.

        I looked back up at the Shack, remembering my sister. She hung onto the outside of the window sill, staring at Eliza and I in horror. That was when I noticed that she too was slowed. Her hair was stuck in free fall, taking it's time to lay itself on her back. Several tears that had raced down her tan cheeks were now paused, unable to fall along with us.

        I couldn't tell if this was natural or if it was all a figment of my imagination. It was almost as if time was stopping all together.

        I looked around at everything, unable to understand what was happening. Although things were moving slowly, it all seemed to go faster than I could process it all. 

        My eyes fell to the ground, hearing soft, almost inaudible footsteps. A thin figure walked below us, unaffected by the slowed time. It began rising into the air until its gaze met with mine. A dark turquoise cloak hung on its head, causing a shadow to overcome its face, but, regardless, I could feel its stare. The figure quickly averted its gaze, looking behind itself at Mabel. It then began walking along the air, as if it were nothing, towards my sister.

        I wanted to scream not to touch her, but I just couldn't. I was frozen, unable to move a muscle. Not even my eyes would move now.

        The cloaked being lightly stroked Mabel's hair with a pale, thin hand. It was almost as if it were admiring her. This admiration ended swiftly with the same hand being shot into the air. Now dangling in the air was a single strand of Mabel's lengthy, chocolate hair, held firmly by a frail hand. A second hand latched onto the free half of the strand, holding the hair horizontally above its head. Then, suddenly, the hair was broken in two. With this movement came a yellow spark followed by a blue flash and was ended with a pink sparkle. The colors were more than unnecessary, most likely for show. It looked more like the Fourth of July instead of whatever it actually was.

        Afterwards, I'm not completely sure what happened. The figure briskly walked towards Eliza and I, Mabel close on its heel. The same process used on Mabel was used on us, almost instantly relieving us from the slowed state we were in. 

        "Are we dead?" Eliza cried softly into my shoulder. I looked at the figure, unsure of the answer myself.

        It gave one slow shake of its head, not making the slightest sound.

        "No, we're fine," I said quietly, my eyes still locked on the strange entity before us. "Who are you? What's happening?" I questioned it, trying not to sound flustered. Stress was building in me, where it should have stayed. However, it's been continuously seeping from my pores from the beginning. As of right now, it's shooting directly at the mute cloak that stood before me.

        It didn't reply.

        "Dipper, who are you talking to?" Eliza asked softly, her crying coming to a halt. Again, I awaited the figure's response, hoping for an answer.

        It continued to stay silent.

        "I'm...not sure..." I muttered aimlessly.

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